Life-Boat Branches of the Shipwreck Institution
Chairman—Rear-Admiral MITFORD.
Honorary Secretary—JAMES MOSEY, Esq.
Airey, H. C., Esq. . .
Beswick, W., Esq. . .
Beswick, S. K., Esq. . .
Brooke, Rev. Richard Collected from Ships . .
Cortis, Mr Foljambe, G. S., Esq.
Grayburn, William, Esq.
Gregory, Mr Hawkes, H., Esq. . . .
Hills, Miss Donations. Annuals. Donations. Annual!.
£,. s. }. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d.
' . . 0100 Jackson, J., Esq 050 0 10 0 Legard, Sir E. T., Bart 100 0 10 0 Metealfe, Captain, R.N 0 10 0 1 5 0 Mitford, Admiral 500 0 17 9 Morey, Mr. James 0 10 0 0 5 0 Sheffield, Sir R., Bart. . . 0 10 0 0 Swan, Mr 050 0 Unit, S. W., Esq 100 0 White, Mr. Richard 050 0 Wood, Lady Mary . . . 0 10 0 0 Various small sums under 5s. 0 16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 ' BRIDLINGTON BRANCH.
Chairman—Rev. F. SIMPSON.
Honorary Secretary—WILLIAM WATSOS, Esq.
Barnes, Rev. F Boatmen ......
Boddy, Mr. R .....
Brett, E. S Collection after Sermon to Seamen, the Rev. W.Watson Collecting Boxes . . . .
Coverley, Miss . . . .
Davison, Mr. R Dawson, Messrs Elliott, Capt., R. N Fell, Mr. T ......
Fletcher, G., Esq Frost, Mr. H Fullerton, Miss . . . .
Harding, Edward, Esq Harrison, Messrs .....
Headley, Mr. M Hudswell, Mr. .....
Hutcbenson, Mr. C Kirby, Mr Lamplough, Mr. T. F. . .
Loadman, Mr ......
Metcalfe, Capt., R.N., Balance received from . . . .
2 0 0 5 2 14 3 12 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 5 0 5 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 4 14 8 Metcalfe, Mrs 0 10 0 National Institution . . . 1 0 0 Pierson, Dr 050 Flint, T., Esq 0 10 0 Preston, Mrs 050 Prichett, Thomas, Esq. . . 5 0 0 Richardson, Mr. G 050 Rickaby, Miss 0 10 0 Savage, Miss 050 Sedman, Mr. W 05.0 Shacklock, Lieut., R. N 0 10 0 Simpson, Rev. F 0 10 0 Smith, Rev. F. 0 050 Stephenson, Mr. T 050 Strickland, A., Esq 050 Taylor, S., Esq 0 10 0 Thompson, Miss 080 Thompson, Rev. T 0 10 0 Trinity House, Hull . . . 5 0 0 Walmsly, Mrs 050 Watson, Mr. W 050 Wilkinson, F., Esq. . . . 10 0 0 Various Annual Subscriptions under 5« 3 12 6 Yarbnrgh, T., Esq. . . . 5 0 0 ALDBOROUGH (SUFFOLK) BRANCH.
Chairman—R. C. ROWLEY, Esq.
Honorary Secretary—R. V. GORHAU, Esq.
Adair, Sir Shafto, Bart.
Austin, Charles, Esq. .
Bagnold, Mrs. . . .
Bell, F., Esq. . . .
Bell, E., Esq. . . .
Blathwayte, Rev. I. C.
Collins, W. A., Esq. .
Dowler, Kev. H. T. .
0 10 Easter, Mr 100 Ferrand, Rev. T. G 100 Fletcher, Mr. James . . . 0 10 6 Garrett and Son, Messrs. . . . 1 0 0 Gorham, R. V., Esq 100 Gorham, Mrs., Sen 0 10 0 Green, Mr 070 Harveys and Hudsons . . . . 1 0 0 Hasted, Rev. H. T. . .
Hollond, Hev. E. . . .
Huntingfield, Lord James, J. J., Esq. . . .
James, Mrs. Rhodes . .
Kelly, Sir Fitzroy, M.P. .
Kendall, P., Esq. . . .
Last Mr Long, William, Esq. . .
Long, P. B,, Esq. . . .
Mitcalfe, J. P ,'Esq. . .
Money, Rev. J. D. .
N eeve, Mr. James Donations. Annuals.
£. s. (I. £.s. d.
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 , 2 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 . 1 0 0 . 0 10 0 0 10 0 Osborne and Son, Messrs.
Rendlesham, Lady A. S. . .
Robertson, Capt., R.N. . .
Rope, George, Esq. . . .
Rowley, R. C., Esq. . . .
Schreiber, Captain . . .
Thellusson, Hon. Arthur . .
Shuldham, Miss . . . .
Walker, R. O., Esq. . . .
Wells, Mr. William . .
Wentworth, T. F. W. V., Esq.
Various sums under 5s. . .
£. s. d.
1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 0 1 2 0 Annuals.
£. s. d.
0 10 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 EASTBOUR! Chairman — Capt. HEW Honorary Secretary — 1 «E BRANCH.
Jeut. T. A, GILSON, R.N.
Bays, Robert, Esq. . .
Bown, J. A., Esq.
Brodie, William, Esq. .
Burlington, Earl of .
Caldecott, R. M., Esq. .
Colegate, Robert, Esq. .
Davies, W. St. G., R. N. .
Dexter, Mr . 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 . ' . 1 1 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 . 0 10 0 0 5 0 Domville, Sir William, Bart. . . 1 1 0 Gilbert, J. D., Esq 110 Gilson, Lieut. T. A., R. N Q 10 0 Goddard, Henry, Esq 050 Goringe, Mr., the late . . . . 0 5 0 Goringe, Mr. J. . . . . 0 5 0 Graham, John, Esq. . . . . . 1 1 0 Hall, Dr 0 10 O Hewett, Capt. James, R. N. .
Jeffery, George, Esq.
Jefiery, Mrs Kitching, Wm., Esq., Coast Money, Rear Admiral Row- Pearson, Mrs., the late . .
Pierpoint, Rev. Richard. . .
Pitman, Rev. T Rawden, C. H. Esq. . . .
Stokes, Rev. G Willard, Major . . . .
Willard, Mrs. Colonel . .
Whiteman, Alfred, Esq. . .
Various sums under 5s. . .
0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 PENZANCI Chairman — THOMJ Honorary Secretar Honorary Treasure . BRANCH.
s S. BOUTHO, Esq.
r— Lieut. D. B. BEDI-OKD, R.N.
Batten, Rev. Henry .
Bedford, Capt. R. T., R. N.
Bedford, Lieut. D. B., R. N.
Bedford, John S., Esq. .
Boare, Frank, Esq. . .
Boase, John J. A., Esq. .
Bolitho, Thomas S., Esq, Bolitho, Edward, Esq.
Bolitho, William, Esq. .
Bolitho, William, Jun., Esq Bolitho, Thomas, Esq.
Bolitho, Richard F., Esq.
Borlase, John, Jun., Esq.
Branwell, Robert, Esq. .
Bromley, Mr. T. M. . .
Cack, Mr. William . .
Carne, Joseph, Esq. .
Conch, Richard, Esq. .
Congdon, Mr. W. G. . .
0 5 0 . 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 , . 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1O 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 . 0 5 0 0 5 0 Coulscn, Mr. Charles . .
Darke, Thomas, Esq. . . .
Davey, Mr. Edmund . . .
Davey, Messrs. R. and IJ.
Dennis, Mr. James . . .
Hemmings, Mr. . . . .
Higgs, Mr. Samuel Legrice, Rev. C. V. . . .
Long, Richard, Esq. .
Matthews, Mr. W. D. . .
Moore, Rev. C Pasco, James, Esq. . . .
Pearce, Richard, Esq. . .
Peel Mrs. . . . . . .
Proctor, Mr. John Rodd, E. H., Esq. . . .
Wingfield, Rev. W. W. . . .
York, Mr. Samuel . .
0 10 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 NEWCASTLE (DUWD.
Honorary Seeretary- QPM BAY) BRANCH.
-Captain ADTEN, R.N, Donations. Annuals.
£. *. d. £. s. d.
Annesley, Earl, M P.* . . . . 10 0 0 Annesley, Countess . . . 2 0 0 Allen, John Reed., Esq. . . 1 Q t Andrew, Mr. Thomas . . 0 5 0 Annesley, Rev. William . . 0 10 0 Austen, Captain, R.N. , , 1 0 Q 1 1 0 Austen, Mrs. C 050 Beers, William, Esq. . , , Q 0 Beers, Rev. James A. . , Q 1Q Q Bell, Mr John 050 Beresford, Lord John . . . 0 10 0 Boyle, Rev. Hugh . . . . 0 S 0 Creery, Mrs 0 10 0 Crew of Coast Guard Station 0 15 0 Clarke Dr. . . . . . 0 10 0 Down, Archdeacon o f . . 0 5 0 Puffin, Rev. William . . . 0 10 0 Duffln, C., Esq. . . . . 0 5 0 Forsyth, Mrs. , , , . . 1 0 0 Glover, Colonel . . . . 1 0 0 Hill Captain . . . . 0 10 0 Hyland, Mr. John . . . . 0 5 0 Janns, F. W., Esq., S.I. . . 0 10 0 * His Lordship has also liberally 1 Donations. Annuals.
£. s. d. £. s. d.
King, Arthur, Esq. . . . 1 0 0 Law, John, Esq. . . . . 0 10 0 Malcomson, S. D., Esq. . . 0 10 0 Manchester, H.G- the Duke of 2 0 0 Mateer, Mr. William . . . 0 5 0 Maf t|n, Mr. James . . . 0 5 0 MelU», Mr. Robert . . . 0 5 0 Mulligan, Mr. George . , 0 5 0 Murland, Samuel, Esq. . . 1 0 0 Murland, Charles, Esq. . . 1 0 0 Q'H»Upr*n,Mir. George , , 0 5 0 Roden, Lord 100 Savage, Francis, Esq. . . . 1 0 0 Shaw, George, E»q. . . . 1 0 Q Slaefce, Rev. W. B, , , . 0 10 0 Steele, Mr. Isaac , , . , 0 10 0 Tate Mrs .100 Toby, H. C., Esq. , * . 1 fl.|0 Tribe, Mr. John . . . . 1 Q 6 Young, Mr. James . . . 0 5 0 Various small sums under 5». 2 11 0 irailt a boat house for the life-boat.
SKERRIES Chairman — HANS HAMILT Honorary Secretary — HEB BBANCH.
M WOODS, Esq., D.L.
Per. Henry Alexander Hamilton, Esq.
Baker, Thomas, Esq. . . . 1 0 0 Coddington, H. B., Esq. . . 0 10 0 Comiskey, Mr. Thomas . . 1 0 0 Curren, Mr. Peter . . . . 1 0 0 Delap, Robert, Esq. . . . ' 1 0 0 Delap, W. D., Esq. . . . 1 10 0 Guinness, Arthur, Esq. . . 5 0 0 Hamilton, J. H., Esq., M.P. . 10 0 0 Hamilton, Geo. A., Esq., M.P. 5 0 0 Hamilton, Henry A., Esq. . 5 0 0 Hamlet, Mr. Joseph . . . 1 0 0 Harper, Mr. James . . . 1 0 0 Harty, Marcus, Esq. . . . 2 0 0 Hutchmson, the Hon. Mrs. C.
Hely 500 Hutchinson, Miss Synge . . 2 0 0 Irwin, Joseph, Esq., R. N. , 1 0 0 Jameson, James, Esq. . . 2 0 0 Johnston, John, Esq. . . . 2 0 0 Jones, George C., Esq., R. N. 1 0 0 Malahide, Lord Talbot de , 5 0 0 Macartney, Geo. Esq., M.P. . 5 0 0 Madden, John T., Esq. . . 2 0 0 McEvoy, Francis, Esq., M. D. 1 0 0 McGregor, Mr. Alexander , 1 0 0 O'Keilly, Philip, Esq., M. D. 1 0 0 Palmer, Sir Roger, Bart. . . 5 0 0 Pepper, Colonel . . . . 5 0 0 Sproule, Benjamin, Esq. . . 5 0 0 Taylor, Colonel, M. P. . , 10 0 O Wade, George, Esq. . . . 1 0 0 Walsh, John, Esq. . . . 5 5 0 Woods, George, Esq. . . . 5 0 O Woods, Hans Hamilton, Esq. 5 0 0 Per the Hon. Thomas Preston.
Anderson, Capt. . . . . 8 0 0 Barker, Dr. William . . . 0 10 0 Boylan, Thomas, Eaq. . , 2 10 0 Brabazon, James, Esq. . . 1 0 0 Brodigan, Francis, Esq. . . 2 0 0 Donnelley, William, Esq. . 1 0 0 Dublin, the Archbishop of . 5 0 O Friend A 100 Ditto 100 Gormanston, Viscount . . 5 0 0 Hamilton, M r s 200 Herbert, the Right Bon. Sidney M. P 500 Hussey, Anthony J., Esq. . 5 0 0 Lansdowne, the Marquis of . 10 0 0 Lord Lieutenant, the . . . 5 0 0 McGusty, George M., Esq. . 1 0 0 Meath, the Bishop of . . . 5 0 0 Moore, the Rev. 3fv . . . 2 0 0 Pepper, Captain . . . . 5 0 0 Preston, the Hon. Thomas . 5 0 0 Smith, St. George, Esq. . . 2 0 0 Steele Dr . 1 0 0 Thompson, R.. A, Esq. . . 1 0 0.