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Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 2nd June, 1853. Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, M.P., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Reported the death, on the 12th May, of GEORGE PALMER, Esq., of Nazing Park, late Deputy-Chairman of the Institution.

Resolved— " That the General Committee do express their deep regret for the decease of their late much respected and valued Deputy- Chairman, Mr. GEORGE PALMER, who, for a period extending over a quarter of a century, so zealously and diligently co-operated with them in promoting the great objects which they advocate—the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. They wish, also, to record the services which the life-boats built on his plan, by the Royal National Shipwreck Institution, have rendered to the cause of humanity, and their high sense of his indefatigable exertions, whilst in Parliament, to procure legislative enactments, to lessen the causes of disasters at sea." WARD JACKSON, Esq., of Greatham Hall, Chairman of West Hartlepool Dock Company, presented to the Institution a model of his life-boat carriage, with a model of the West Hartlepool life-boat thereon.—To be thanked for his handsome present.

Capt. A. ELLICE, R.N., Comptroller- General of the Coast-Guard, reported that Lieut. Sicklemore, R.N., Commander of the revenue cruiser Victoria, had, as requested by the Committee, placed two sets of CARTE'S rocket apparatus, belonging to the Shipwreck Institution, at Noss and Fetlar, on the coast of Shetland, where he had made arrangements for their safe custody and practice in their use.

The thanks of the Committee were voted to Lieut. SICKLEMORE, for the satisfactory manner with which he had carried out their wishes in regard to the apparatus.

The Rev. H. BELL, Northumberland, reported that some favourable trials had recently been made with the rocket life apparatus at Boulmer, on the Northumberland coast.

The Life-boat Inspector was instructed to examine into the state of all the life apparatus on that coast, with the view to their being put in an efficient state.

The Government of His Majesty the King of PRUSSIA having requested that a life-boat, to be stationed at Stettin, in Prussia, should be built under the directions of the Royal National Shipwreck Institution, it was Resolved— That a 28|-ft. life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be ordered from the Messrs. FORRESTT, builders to the Society.

Instructed that a tracing of Mr. PEAKE'S life-boat be made and transmitted to Capt. IPSEN, of the Danish Royal Navy, whose Government were building three life-boats, and were desirous of having the advantage of examining a drawing of Mr. PEAKE'S boat, with the latest improvements.

Resolved— 1. That THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., be elected the Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Lives from Shipwreck.

2. That CHARLES Dixon, Esq., of Stanstead, Essex, in virtue of his very liberal donation of 501., be also elected aVice-President of the Institution.

Determined that an application be made to the Corporation of the City of London for a grant in aid of the funds of the Institution.

Voted the silver medal to Mr. FRANCIS STANNARD, master of the sloop Glenmoriston, and 11. 10s. to his crew of 3 men, for saving, with their boat, the master of the schooner William and Mary, of Southwold, which had foundered during a gale of wind from the east, on the morning of the 12th May last, in the Lowestoft Roads, when 2 men were drowned.

Voted also the silver medal to WILLIAM BRICE, coastguard commissioned boatman at Greencastle Fort, coast of Derry, and 41.10s.

to be divided between himself and his boat's crew for their laudable services to the crew, consisting of 4 men, of the schooner Harmony, of Derry, which was stranded off' that place, during a S.E. gale of wind, and a dark night, on the 12th March last.

Thursday, 7th July. His Grace the President, the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward, and Life-boat Sub-Committees.

Reported that the life-boats built by the Institution for Aldborough, Suffolk; Sennen Cove, Cornwall; and Cemlyn, Anglesea—had satisfactorily undergone their harbour trials, and had been forwarded to their destination during the past month. That for Aidborough had, through the courtesy of Capt.

ELLICK, R.N., Comptroller-General of the Coast-Guard, been conveyed to her station by H.M. revenue screw steamer Argus; and the Sennen Cove and Cemlyn boats had been gratuitously conveyed to places near their stations by steamers belonging to the British and Irish Steam Packet Company.

Capt. ELLICE and the Company to be thanked for their kindness and JiberaJiiy.

Read and approved the Life-boat Inspector's Report of the Ramsgate, Broadstairs, and Dover life-boats, which he had recently visited.

Resolved— That directions be given to the builders to the Institution to construct a 30-ft. lifeboat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, for the Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, as requested by them.

Elected Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, M.P., a Vice-President and Trustee of the Institution.

Resolved— 1. That a27-ft. life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be built, to be stationed at Dungeness, on the coast of Kent.

2. That a 27-ft. life-boat, on the same plan, be also built for Clogher Head, on the coast of Louth.

Read letter from Capt. ELLICE, R.N., Comptroller-General of the Coast-Guard, transmitting answers from the several Inspecting Commanders of the Coast-Guard, to various queries from the Institution respecting the management of boats in a surf and broken water.—To be acknowledged with thanks.

Resolved— That 7001. 3 per Cents. Reduced of the funded property of the Institution be sold, to meet its current expenses for life-boats, &c.

Voted the silver medal to JOHX STORE, fisherman, of Whitby, in consideration of his frequent services to save life from shipwrecks.

Voted also the silver medal to Mr. ROBT.

SANDS (a man of colour), master of the schooner Oracle, of Nassau, New Providence, West Indies, for his gallant services to the passengers, consisting of 160 persons, of the ship William and Mary, of Bath, State of Maine, which struck on one of the coral reefs off the Bahama Islands, on the 3rd May last.

Thursday, 5th Aug., 1853. Capt. LAMBERT PERROTT in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of the last Meeting, and those of the Finance, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from the Rev. F. C. MASSINGBERD, Honorary Secretary to the Lincolnshire Shipwreck Association, transmitting a draft for 501., in acknowledgment by that association, of the gift, by the Shipwreck Instition, of their first life-boat. This boat was built in 1824 by the late Mr. PLENTY, of Newbury, Berkshire, and is now in an efficient state. It has been instrumental in saving 53 lives. The coxswain of the boat was some time since presented with the silver medal of the National Shipwreck Institution for his frequent services in the boat in saving life.

Directed that some life-belts of different descriptions be sent for trial to various parts of the coast.

Resolved— 1. That a 27-ft. life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be built by the Messrs. FORBESTT, to be placed at Ardrossan, on the coast of Ayr.

2. That a 284-ft. life-boat, by the same designer and builders, be ordered for Newcastle, Dundrum Bay.

Voted 4Z. 10s. to several men who had assisted, with DESXKTT'S Rocket Apparatus, in saving the crew, consisting of 5 persons, of the schooner Navariao, of Guernsey, wrecked off St. Catherine's Point, Isle of Wight, during very foggy weather, on the 5th April last.

Also 21. 10s. to 5 men for saving, with their boat, 2 out of 5 persons from a fishingyawl, which had capsized in Courtmacsherry Bay on the 25th July last.

Thursday, 1st Sept., 1853. Capt. LAMBERT PERROTT in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read and approved the Life-boat Inspector's report of the Auglesea life-boats.

Voted 50Z. towards building a new lifeboat for Moelfre, on that coast.

Decided to request Mr. PEAKE to furnish the Committee with a design for a lighter description of life-boat for places where a sufficient number of men cannot be obtained to man the heavier class of lifeboats on his plan.

An application from the Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners to be furnished with a tracing of the late Col. COLQUHOUN'S lifeboat carriage was granted.

Voted the silver medal to Lieut. EDWARD KELLY, R.N., Harbour-Master at Port Louis, Mauritius, for his services on the occasion of the wreck of the ship Randolph, near that place, on the 26th June, 1851, when, through his persevering exertions, and those of his boat's crew, 50 coolies and the mate of the vessel were saved from perishing.

The thanks of the Committee, on vellum, were voted to Mr. THOMAS GRAY, master of the sloop Brougham, of Boston, for his services in saving the lives of a portion of the crew of the screw steam collier Countess of Strathmore, which foundered off Whitby during a gale of wind on the 14th July last.

Thursday, 6th Oct. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq.,F.R.S., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward, and Life-boat Sub-Committees.

Read letter from Colonel the Hon. C. B.

PHIPPS, stating that he had received the commands of Her Majesty the ORDERS to transmit a draft for 100L in aid of the funds of the Institution.—To be acknowledged with thanks.

Reported that the Corporation of the City of London had voted 200 guineas in aid of the funds of the Institution.—To be acknowledged with thanks.

Reported the decease of Col. J. NISBETT COLQTJHOUN, R.A., F.R.S., and member of the Committee of Management, on the 17th September last.

Resolved— That the General Committee do feel deep regret for the loss the Institution has sustained by the demise of their late lamented colleague, Col. J. NISBETT COLQDHOUN, R.A., Chairman of the Life-boat Carriage, House, and Rocket Sub-Committee of the Society, by whose sudden death the cause of humanity has been deprived of a zealous friend, and the community of a valued public servant.

Mr. PEAKE transmitted a design of his second-class life-boat.—Acknowledged with thanks.

Directed that a tracing of the said design be forwarded to the branch association at Anglesea.

The thanks of the Committee were voted to — STEELE, Esq., ,a magistrate at St.

Andrews, Fifeshire, and.a reward of 3?. 10s.

to the crew of the of that place, for . their services to the crew .of the brig Cybele, timber-laden, from St. John's, New Brunswick, which was stranded off St. Andrews Harbour during a N.E. gale of wind on the 14th July last.

Read letter from A. ELIOTT FULLER, Esq., M.P., offering to transfer to the Institution the Eastbourne life-boat.

Accepted with thanks, and decided to organize a local committee to manage the boat, in conformity with the regulations of the Institution.

Reported that the Lyme Regis life-boat had been taken to her station without expense, through the courtesy of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company, and Capt.

OMMANNEY, R.N., Deputy-Comptroller of the Coast-Guard, to whom the Committee voted their thanks.