J. K. W. (Framore).—Many thanks for your communication. If our friends would do likewise the number of our subscribers would be greatly increased. Our object is not to make a profit by our publication, but to diffuse useful information respecting the means of saving life from wrecks. In this our subscribers can materially not only assist the circulation of The Life-Boat Journal, but also the cause of humanity; for they may, by calling the attention of sailors and fishermen to some practical hint in one of its numbers, contribute to the saving of a fellow-creature's life from a watery grave.
"A FISHERMAN."—We shall be glad to receive your paper. It is to you and the boatmen on our coasts we look, in cases of wrecks, to man our life-boats; and such practical observations on subjects relating thereto, will always receive our attentive consideration.
" NAUTICUS."—Yes. Lieut. R. E. ME- THERELL, R. N., while coast-guard chief officer at Ardmore, Cork, was presented with the gold medallion of the Shipwreck Institution, for his gallantry and prompti tude in saving, with one of Palmer's life- boats, the crew of the brig Medora, wrecked in Ardmore Bay, near Youghal, on Feb. 23, 1840. He had also the previous year ex- erted himself in a conspicuous manner in saving the crew of the ship Mary, from New Brunswick.
A. B. (Bristol).—Captain WARD'S inflated and cork belts can be seen at the Poly- technic Institution, Regent Street, and at the Great Exhibition, Dublin.
Z. Z.—Mrs. CARTE, of Hull, continues to supply all the life-preserving apparatus which her late husband invented.
P. L.—One of Col. COLQUHOUN'S life-boat carriages is placed at Cullercoats, Northum- berland, and a drawing of the same can be seen on application at the office of the National Shipwreck Institution.
" INQUIRER." — Captain MANET'S appa- ratus has been the means of saving some hundreds of lives of shipwrecked persons on the coasts. The Shipwreck Institution has granted rewards for saving 198 lives by it.
It is supplied through the Board of Customs.
" LIFE-BOATMAN."—Capt. WASHINGTON'S Lecture on Life-Boats can be had of Mr. BOGUE, bookseller, Fleet-street; it costs 6d.