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Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1853

Moved by Capt. SHEPHERD, H.C.S., Deputy Master of the Trinity House, and seconded by Mr. J. D. POWLES.

1.—That the Report now read be adopted, published, and circulated.

Moved by Mr. THOMAS CHAPMAN, F.R.S., Chairman of LLOYD'S Register of British and Foreign Shipping, and seconded by Rear-Admiral MITFOED.

2. — That while acknowledging with thankfulness that degree of success which has hitherto attended the limited operations of this Institution, this meeting desires to express its deep regret at the great sacrifice of life that has taken place from shipwrecks on the coasts of the United Kingdom during the past year; a large proportion of which might, in all human probability, have been spared, had there been adequate provision at hand, in the hour of need;—this meeting, therefore, pledges itself to make more widely known the claims of this Society to public support, and recommends that renewed exertions be made to increase the number of its Life-Boat Stations on the coast, and to render more efficient the means that already exist for saving life from shipwreck.

Moved by Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, M.P.

and seconded by Mr. CHARLES FRANCIS.

3.—That this meeting offers its grateful thanks to His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. for his liberal gift of four Life-boats, carriages, boat-houses, and every requisite to complete four Life-boat Stations on exposed points of the coast of Northumberland—an- example of liberality in the cause of humanity, specially applied to saving life from shipwreck, which this meeting believes has never been surpassed, if ever equalled.

Moved by Lord ALFRED H. PAGET, M.P., and seconded by Vice-Admiral SYKES, V.P.

4.—That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Committee of Management for the care and attention with which they have conducted the affairs of the Institution.

Moved by Rear-Admiral Earl WALDEGRAVE, C.B., and seconded by Mr. FRANCIS WILSON.

5.—That the cordial thanks of this meeting be offered to Captain the Earl TALBOT, R.N., C.B., for his able conduct in the chair, and for his continued solicitude for the welfare of the Shipwreck Institution.