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Meetings of Committee

1st July. T. WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

At a Special General Meeting of the Institution, convened pursuant to advertisement, confirmed the alterations in the Rules and Regulations as adopted at the previous Special Meeting of the 3rd June last.

Confirmed Minutes of previous Meeting.

Resolved—That a 30-ft. boat, built after a design by Mr. PEAKE, be granted to the North Devon Humane Society, to replace their boat No. 3, which latter to be for- warded to London. Also that a 27-ft. boat on the same plan, with a carriage, should be built for Bude Haven; Sir T. D. ACLAND, Bart., M.P., having offered to bear a fair proportion of the cost of the carriage.

Resolved that an annual grant of 5L be made in aid of the Whitburn life-boat establishment, upon condition that the life- boat's crew be periodically exercised, in ac- cordance with the Regulations of the Institution.

Rear-Admiral Sir FRANCIS BEADFORT, K.C.B., Hydrographer to the Admiralty, transmitted, for the use of the Institution, a set of charts of the coasts of the United Kingdom—Acknowledged with thanks.

The thanks of the Committee were voted to G. C. BEGBIE, Esq., Auditor to the Institution, for a valuable set of account books for the use of the Society.

22nd July. T. WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of previous Meeting.

Resolved—That a suitable life-boat be built, and placed at Douglas, Isle of Man, in memory of the distinguished services of the late Sir WILLIAM HILLARY, Bart., who was the projector of the Shipwreck Institution, and who personally assisted at the saving of 305 lives from wreck in Douglas Bay; and that the boat be called after his name.

Voted 20?. in aid of the local subscription for the relief of the widows and children of 8 men who were drowned by the upsetting of their fishing-boat on Dungarvan Bar, on the 24th April last, when returning from offering aid to a vessel in distress in the offing.

Granted a reward of 21. to two men for saving 3 persons, the crew of the smack Providence, which sunk near Strangford Bar, County Down, on the 16th June last.

Also 21. towards repairing the life-boat house at Woodbridge Haven, in Suffolk.

16th Sept. T. WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of previous Meeting.

Read letters:—1. From Captain WILLOUGHBY, of Lyme Regis, stating the want of a life-boat—Resolved, that a suitable life- boat be built, and stationed at Lyme Regis.

2. From the Life-boat Inspector, at Shields, stating that the six life-boats and carriage which, by the liberality of the Ad- miralty, had been conveyed to the coast in H.M.S. Lightning, had been severally placed at Cullercoats, Newbiggin, Hauxley, Alnmouth, Boulmer, and North Sunderland, and the carriage at Cullercoats; also that, as far as yet tried, the boats had behaved well and had given satisfaction.

Resolved—That the Life-boat Inspector be instructed to visit and report upon all the life-boat stations from Berwick-on-Tweed to the Thames.

3. From Mr. HUME, M.P., urging the imperative necessity of a sea-coroner, to sit on all bad cases of shipwreck; he had often tried to impress this point upon Govern- ment, but hitherto without success.

Granted a reward of 61. to three men of Pill, near Bristol, for saving with their boat the lives of 4 men, the crew of the schooner Primrose, of Truror which foundered off' Boscastle, in the Bristol Channel, in the N.W. gale of the llth August.

Also 3Z. to the master and crew of the smack Brisk, of Southampton, who had saved the lives of 3 fishermen of Sennen Cove, Land's End, caught in the same gale.

16th Oct. G. PALMER, Esq., V.P., occu- pied the Vice-Chair; and announced with extreme regret the death, on the 10th instant, of Mr. THOMAS WILSON, who for 29 years had been Chairman of Committee of the Institution.

A special Resolution was unanimously passed by the Committee of condolence with the family of their late highly respected Chairman, embodying a fitting tribute to the memory of one whose devotion to the interests of the Institution had been unceasing, and whose general urbanity had endeared him to every Member of Committee.

Confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and read a letter— From the Board of Ordnance, stating that the life-boat carriage built in the Royal Arsenal, under the superintendence of Col.

COLQUHOUN, was complete, and that the Board did not propose to make any charge for it.—To be acknowledged with thanks.

Voted five silver medals and 681. in re- wards, as follows:— A medal to Mr. MIDDLETON DAND, of Hauxley, and 51. to the crews of two cobles for going off in a heavy gale to the rescue of the brig Pedestrian, of Shields, wrecked on the San Bush on the 3rd December, 1849.

Also 27. 10s. to the crew of the smack Celerity, of Harwich, for saving the lives of 4 persons, being the crew of the Tar, of Whitby, which sunk in a N.E. gale on the Long Sand on the 12th September last.

Also 4?. 10s. to the crew of the Moelfre life-boat, Anglesea, for saving the crew of the brig Carrs, of Newcastle, wrecked near Dulas Island on the 29th September, during a N.N.E,gale. The Holy head life-boat was reported to have taken off the crew of the schooner Lady Harriet, of Chester, and to have brought the vessel safely into harbour, for which service the master gave the life- boat's crew 501.

Also 21. to a fisherman and his two sons, of Sneem, on the coast of Kerry, for having saved 7 out of 15 persons from a boat which sunk near Shinkey Island on the 9th August.

Also the silver medal to Mr. MARTIN COSTELLO, tide-surveyor, and Mr.DEVEREUX, pilot-master, of Rosslare Point, Wexford,and 54?. to the crews of 14 boats, consisting of 110 men, for saving 419 of the crew and passengers of the emigrant ship Bhurtpoor, wrecked on the Long Bank on the 18th September. The life-boats of the Institution at Rosslare and Kilmore saved 30 of the people.

Also a silver medal each to HOWE and PEIRSON, two coast-guardsmen of Ballygrany Station, for saving the lives of two men who were seen drifting in the surf near Greenore Point, Wexfbrd, on the 19th September.