Notice to Subscribers
IT was stated in the first Number of this Journal, that it would be published monthly, or occasionally, as circumstances might point out, and that it would be sold at the lowest possible price that would cover the expense of paper and printing, in order to place it within the reach of every boatman and fisherman around our coasts, but that it would not be permitted to trench on the funds subscribed by the public for what may be considered the more immediate objects of the Institution—as granting rewards for gallant conduct in saving life, placing life- boats, &c. After a trial of a few months, it has been found that its necessarily limited circulation among residents on the coast and fishermen will not cover the expense of paper and printing at the low price which has been fixed, and therefore, if continued as heretofore, it must encroach upon the fund appropriated to other purposes.
Such being the case, it is proposed to in- crease the price to Id. each Number, and to issue it every two months, or once a quarter, as circumstances may arise: for the present, it is arranged that the next Number will appear in November, and the following on the 1st January. All original subscribers to the Journal will, of course, receive their copies at the former price until the close of the year.
We may here repeat the substance of what was said in the April Number, under the head of " A Word to our Well-wishers," that they can aid the cause of humanity by ordering some copies of the Journal of the nearest bookseller, and distributing them among the fishermen on the coast. It will be seen that each Number that has appeared has contained some useful suggestion towards saving life, and some information that may be of service to the fisherman in his calling, and there is little doubt but that each succeeding Number will continue to do so.
We ask, then, the aid of all interested in he cause to help its circulation by every means in their power.