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Meetings of Committee

6th May. THOMAS WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

Confirmed the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Institution, held on the 22nd April; also of the previous monthly Meeting, and of the Finance, Wreck, and Reward Sub-Committees.

Resolved, that a Special General Meeting of the Institution be called by advertisement Thursday the 3rd of June, to submit certain alterations in the Rules and Regulations of the Institution.

Granted a reward of III. to a party of fishermen, 20 in number, who, in two boats, saved 5 out of 10 of the crew of the Austrian brig Numo Zelante, wrecked on Turf Island, coast of Cork, on the 21st of March last.

Also the sum of l. to a boat's crew of 4 men, who saved 3 out of 9 persons from a boat swamped in Glandore Harbour, coast if Cork, on the 17th of February last.

3rd June. THOMAS WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

At the Special General Meeting held pursuant to notice, read and considered the Jules and Regulations of the Institution.

Sanctioned certain alterations in them, and finally adopted them, as printed in the April lumber of the " Life-Boat" Journal, and directed them to be laid before another Special General Meeting for confirmation.

Confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting of Committee, and of the Finance Wreck, and Reward Sub-Committees.

In reply to an application from the Chair- man of the North Devon Humane Society, that a new life-boat be granted to them, to be stationed on Braunton Sands, Bideford Bay, in lieu of their present boat, No. 2 granted to them by the Institution in Dec.

1831; also that their boat No. 3, the Petrel, sent to them in Oct. 1847, in which her crew had no confidence, might be removed, and another placed there in her stead. It was resolved, that No. 2 should be replaced forthwith, at the earliest opportunity, and that the Inspector of Life-boats should proceed to Bidefbrd and examine the boats in question and the local establishment gene- rally, and report the result previous to any decision being come to on the necessity of replacing No. 3 by another boat.

Granted a reward of l. each to three Coast-guardmen, of Barry Cove station, Cork, for saving 3 out of 18 of the crew of the barque Amy, wrecked near that place on the 22nd March last; and 5s. each to 6 countrymen who assisted on the occasion.