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Meetings of Committee

Thursday, 4th March, 1852. THOMAS WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

Confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting, and of the Finance, Wreck, and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from the Local Committee at Barmouth, Merionethshire, stating that a sum of 70?. had been raised by local sub- scription towards establishing a life-boat at that place,—Resolved, That a 26-feet life- boat, from a design by Mr. PEAKE, be ordered to be built, to be stationed at Barmouth.

Resolved, That the Medal of the Institution be presented to Mr. KEARNEY WHITE, chief officer of Coast-guard, at Blyth, Northumberland, and a reward of 4}. 10s.

to his boat's crew of fishermen, for going off in a fishing-coble, in a gale of wind at N.N.E., and rescuing the crew of the sloop William and Mary, of Sunderland, wrecked near Blyth, on the 10th Feb. 1852. Also 15s. to a Coast-guard man who sustained injuries in launching the boat.

The sum of 81. was voted to 8 fishermen, who saved the lives of 6 persons, being a part of the crew of the brig Anna, of Riga, wrecked on the Tons Bank, at the entrance of Lough Foyle, Deny, in a gale of wind at north, on the 9th Jan. 1852. The master and 1 boy drowned.

The sum of 51. was voted to 2 boats' crews, consisting of 5 men each, for having on the 9th of Jan. 1852, saved the crew of the Dutch galliot Arendina, wrecked near Moville, Lough Foyle, Derry.

The sum of 91. 5s. was voted to a party of fishermen and Coast-guard, for saving the crew of the schooner Friendsbury, of Shields, wrecked near Aldbro', Suffolk, in a S.W. gale on the night of the 26th Jan.


Ordered, That the Annual Report of the Committee for the year ending the 31st of March 1852, be prepared and laid on the table at the next meeting of Committee. It was resolved, that the Committee do thank- fully accept the President's offer of the services of Commander WARD, R.N., as Life-boat Inspector, for a period of six months, prior to the appointment of an Inspector by the Institution.

Thursday, 1st April, 1852. THOMAS WILSON, Esq., in the Chair.

Confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting, and of the Finance, Wreck, and Reward Sub-Committees.

Resolved, That the offer of HENRY WILLIS, Esq., to act as Treasurer to the Institution, be accepted, the office having become vacant by the lamented death of Mr. PERCIVAL, and that Mr. G. C. BEGBIE, public accountant, be-appointed the Auditor of the Institution.

Took into consideration the Annual Report; discussed seriatim its several paragraphs, and agreed upon it. Directed, That the accounts for the last two years be prepared in detail to be submitted to the Auditor, and that they be printed and annexed to the Report.

Resolved, That the.Annual General Meet- ing of the Institution should be held at the London Tavern, on the 22nd instant, that the usual notice be given accordingly, and that His Grace the President be invited to take the chair on that occasion.

Granted, a silver medal and a reward of 1L to ROBERT TUBNBULL, a fisherman, for swimming to a rock in Dunbar Harbour, during a gale of wind on the 28th Feb.

1852, and saving the lives of 2 persons who had been cast away on it from a fish- ing yawl.

Granted, a reward of II. to MICHAEL BOYLE, pilot, and 10s. each to his boat's crew of 5 men, also 10s. each to a boat's crew of 5 Coast-guard men, for having on the 18th Feb. 1852, saved the lives of 10 persons from the brig Prince Albert, of Malta, wrecked on Tryerah Bar, near Rutland, Co. Donegal, in a gale of wind at north-west.

Also a reward of II. to ANDREW AFFLICK, for saving (with the assistance of some others), the mate of the schooner Susan, of Fraserburgh, wrecked gn the 8th of Jan. 1852, at 6 miles east of Dunbar..