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Holders of Lloyd's Medals

Cambridge, I May 1852.

SIR,—In the narrative of the lamentable wreck of the New Commercial at the Bris- sons, Cornwall, given in the April number of the Life-Boat Journal, it is stated by mis- take that I am the " only living officer " on whom the silver medal of Lloyd's has been conferred.

By the courtesy of Captain HALSTED, R.N., Secretary to Lloyd's, I am enabled to send you a list of several of my late brother officers in the Coast-guard, who have received that distinction, and who, if not literally " rowing in the same boat," have done so to an equally practical purpose; and I shall be obliged if you will allow me the privilege of correcting the mistake by inserting their names in the next number of the Journal.

I am, &c., GEORGE DA VIES, Captain, R.IsT.

To the Editor.

, Most willingly do we afford Captain Davies the space he asks, especially as, like a good tactician, who knows how to turn a defeat into an advantage, so does he seize the occasion of a trifling mistake to place in prominent relief the good services of his brother officers. It has also been pointed out by Captain HALSTED, that the medal awarded to Captain DAVIES was solely for his gallant conduct at the Brissons, not for that " conjointly with other services," as we had stated.

In a Journal like the present, in which the information almost always comes from a distance, when the accounts are occasionally gleaned from local newspapers, and often conflicting, it must be expected that errors will creep in. We can only, then, beg the forbearance of our readers and request them to point out the mistakes they may notice; and if, as in the present case, they can enable us to put on record the name of an additional individual who has exerted him- self in the preservation of life from shipwreck, it will be so much gained to the cause.

Notices of those who have so distinguished themselves as the late Sir WILLIAM HIL- LARY, GRACE DARLING, &c., would appro- priately find a place in these columns, and ere long we trust to make room for such; for the present we must limit ourselves to the names of those naval officers now living who have obtained an Honorary Silver Medal from Lloyd's.

We regret not to have space to add the gallant services—and gallant they are in the fullest sense of the word—for which both Lloyd's Medal and the Medal of the Ship- wreck Institution have been conferred on these officers, but they shall assuredly have ample room in the next number of this Journal. Their names are as follows :— Lieut. G. S. BRITTAIS, R.N 14 March 1838 20 June, 1838 30 March 1842 29 March 1843 29 March 1843 20 March 1848 10 Sept. 1848 19 March 1851 Lieut. J. ROTHERY, R.N.


Lieut. W. VICARY, R.N.

Lieut. J. BDLI.EY, R.N.

Lieut. H. TROLLOPS, R.N.

Lieut. W. GOUI.D, R.N.

Capt. G. DAVIES, R.X..