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Resolutions at the Annual Meeting for 1852

AFTER the reading of the Annual REPORT and Balance Sheet the following Resolutions were carried unanimously :— Moved by A. ELLICE, R.N., Comptroller-General of the Coast-Guard, and seconded by Colonel BLANSHARD, C.B., Commandant of Royal Engineers at Woolwich.

1. That the Report now read be adopted, published, and circulated.

Moved by Mr. ROBERT GRANT, and seconded by Captain A. SIM.

2. That this meeting recognises the great benefit that has resulted from the long- continued exertions of this Institution in the saving of human life exposed to the peril of shipwreck; in the extended establishment of life-boats; in securing rewards to those gallant men who, in the hour of danger, adventure their lives to save those of their fellow-creatures, and in providing some assistance for their families when their exertions are attended with fatal consequences to themselves.

Moved by The Hon. and Rev. A. PERCEVAL, and seconded by Capt. REDMAN.

3. That this meeting does recommend that renewed measures be taken by the Institution to increase progressively its Life- boat Stations on the coast, and to make its objects more generally known, that it may receive that amount of public support due to an Institution in the welfare of which the whole community has so great an interest, and which was never more needed than in these times, when so many thousands of persons are constantly encountering the dangers of the seas.

Moved by Mr. MASTERMAN, M.P. for the City of London, and seconded by Mr.

William COTTON, late Governor of the Bank of England.

4. That this meeting does offer its best thanks to His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND (the President of the Institution), for the great benefit he has conferred on humanity, in calling into existence a form of life-boat, which, under Providence, will be the means of lessening the frightful loss of life which annually occurs from shipwreck, —for the extensive and liberal circulation he has been pleased to give to the Northumberland Life-boat Report—a document which this meeting considers not only to be of great value, but of national importance. Also to the Chairman and Members of the Life- boat Committee, for the able and satisfactory manner with which they accomplished the laborious undertaking confided to their care.

Moved by Commodore Sir Thomas HERBERT, K.C.B., one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and seconded by Captain HENRY NELSON, one of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House. '.

5. That the cordial thanks of this meeting o be presented to THOMAS WILSON, Esq., the Chairman, and GEORGE PALMER, Esq., Deputy Chairman, of the Institution, for their untiring devotion to the great cause of saving lives from shipwreck, and to the other Members of the Committee for the care and attention with which they have conducted the affairs of the Institution.

Moved by Vice-Admiral BOWLES, C.B., M.P., and seconded by Mr. THOMAS WILSON.

6. That the best thanks of this meeting are due, and are hereby given, to His Grace the Chairman, for his able conduct in the chair.