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Award of Medals, Etc

The following is a list of the principal cases in which Rewards have been granted for saving life, by the National Shipwreck Institution, during the year 1851 :— January 2.—The emigrant barque Edmund, wrecked 19th Nov., at Kilkee, on the coast of Clare; 116 out of 216 persons saved by the Coast-guard men of the Kilkee Station. A silver medal to each of the six men, and a reward of 121 To Mr. RICHARD RUSSELL, J.P., and his butler, who also gallantly exerted themselves on the occasion, a silver medal each.

January 16.—The emigrant ship Adelaide, wrecked 13th Nov. on the Blackwater bank, on the coast of Wexford. Crew and passengers saved by the ship's long-boat and three fishing-boats. Reward 171.

January 16.—The ship Mountaineer, from Quebec to Newport, wrecked 15th Dec. in Dunmanus Bay, on the coast of Cork.

Crew of 28 persons saved. A case of dis- tinguished gallantry. Gold medallion to Lieut. Goss, R.N., of the Dunmauus Coast- guard Station, and a silver medal to each of his five men.

January 30.—The Brig New Commercial, from Liverpool to the Spanish Main, wrecked 11th Jan., on the Brissons' Rocks, Land's End. The master, his wife, and one of the crew saved. A case of great and distinguished gallantry. Gold medallion to Captain GEORGE DAVIES, R.N., and to Mr.

THOMAS RANDALL, Commander of the Revenue cutter Sylvia. A silver medal to each of the men under their charge, ten in Bomber; and a reward of III. to the crews of two fishing-boats.

January 30.—The cutter Adek, wrecked 16th Jan., on the Soubreaux Rocks, on the coast of Guernsey. Crew saved just as the wreck was breaking up. Silver medal and L to JOHN MITCHELL, pilot, and to his crew of four men a reward of 4L February 6.—The Austrian brig Nona, wrecked in Killala Bay, on the coast of Mayo. Crew and two pilots saved by the Coast-guard men of the Ross Station.

Reward 6?.

February 6.—The Neapolitan brig Enrichetta, from Barletta to Limerick, wrecked 18th Nov. last, at Kilshannig, Castle Gregory, in Tralee Bay, on the coast of Kerry.

10 out of 12 of the crew saved by wading into the surf to their rescue. Silver medal and 11. to JOHN TOWN, chief boatman of the Castle Gregory station, and to the other men who assisted him, a reward of 51. 10s.

February 13.—The schooner Mary, wrecked at Exmouth, on the 5th January.

Silver medal to THOMAS PINCOMB, junior, pilot, who was upset from his boat in going off to rescue the crew.

February 13.—The schooner Maria, from Newport to Cork, wrecked 19th Nov. last, at Pill Point, near Milford Haven. Crew saved by a shore boat. Silver medal to Mr. LANDELLS, tide surveyor, and to his boat's crew, 5?.

March 6.—The schooner Martin, wrecked 16th Jan., at Rock Point, on the coast of Antrim. Crew saved by the Coast-guard of the Cushendun Station. Reward, silver medal to Lieut. KENNEDY, R.N., and to his boat's crew, 71.

March 13.—The brig Percy, wrecked on the 13th Jan., 1843, near Tynemouth Castle. Four out of six of the crew saved by a shore boat. Silver medal, to WILLIAM WHEELER, pilot, who gallantly pulled off in the boat, and who has on several occa- sions distinguished himself in saving life.

March 20.—The smack Rebecca, wrecked 19th Nov., 1850, at Nevyn, on the south- west coast of Carnarvon. Crew rescued by wading into the sea. Reward, 31. 10s.

March 20.—The brig Saxon Maid, from Sunderland to Bordeaux. Wrecked 3rd Feb., on the Whitby, Rock. Crew saved by a shore boat. Reward, SI.

April 3.—The brig Mary White, wrecked 6th March, on the Goodwin Sands; seven out of ten of the crew saved by the Broad- stairs life-boat (built and presented by the Messrs. White, of Cowes, to their native place). A case of great gallantry. A silver medal to each of the crew, eight in number.

April 3.—A boat upset 18th March, in the roadstead, Cowes, Isle of Wight. Crew saved by a shore boat. Reward, 21. 10.

April 3.—The schooner Shamrock, wrecked 5th Feb., on the BlackwateBank, on the east coast of Wexford; crew saved by a yawl's crew, and the Coast-guard men of the Blackwater Station. Reward 4/.

April 3.—The French brig Fktan, wrecked 15th Feb., in Whitsand Bay, on the coast of Devon; crew saved. Silver medal to Mr. J. G. ANDERSON, R.N., chief officer of Stoke Coast-guard Station, and 21. to RICHARD ANDREW.

April 10.—Fishing-boat swamped at Burntisland, Aberdour, on the S.W. coast of Fife. Crew saved. Reward 3l.

May 22.—The brig John and Hannah, of Shields, wrecked 19th. March, on the Brookhill Shoals, near Waterford. Crew saved by W. P. GOSSARD, pilot, and his boat's crew. Reward, 51.

June 12.—At Newbiggin, Northumber- land, on the 13th March, four fishing cobles upset, and 14 men drowned. A silver medal voted to each of the five fishermen, JOHN DENT, PHILIP JEFFERSON, WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, ROBERT ARMSTRONG, and HENRY BROWN, who distinguished them- selves on that occasion in endeavouring to save the lives of their companions.

June 12.—The Greek brig Melpomene, wrecked March 19, near Dungeness. Crew saved by Mr. J. WILCOX, chief officer of the Lydd Coast-guard station, T.RlVERs, and two other Coast-guard men, with ropes.

Reward, two silver medals and 21.

June 19.—The brig Mary, of Whitby, wrecked 4th June, on Whitby Rocks; crew saved by a shore boat. Reward 51.

June 26.—To each of the four following Tyne pilots, recommended by the Local Association, as having distinguished them- selves in going off to save fife in the Shields life-boat, a silver medal:— JACOB HARRISON, who has gone off 48 times.

JOHN BURN, sen. ,, 25 ,, JOSEPH SMITH , , 22 ,, JOHN MILBURN, superintendent 16 ,, June 26.—The schooner Bethel, wrecked near Robin Hood's Bay, seven miles south of Whitby; crew saved by the Coast-guard boatmen. Reward, 31.

July 3.—Cases of 4 boats upset on dif- ferent parts on the coast of Ireland. Crews saved. Rewards 4Z. 15s.

October 30.—The yacht Owen Glmdower, wrecked 25th Sept., off the Arran Isles, at the entrance of Galway Bay, on the west coast of Ireland; fourteen persons saved by the long-boat of the Russian barque John, manned by the mate and a crew of five men.

Reward, silver medal to THOMAS LARKIN, mate, and 51. to his crew, and silver medal to Mr. JOHN HEIN, Master of the barque.

October 30.—The sloop Friend's Goodujffl, wrecked 25th Sept., near Sandsend, Whitby; crew saved by shore-boat, manned by five labourers. Reward 51.

October 30.—To Mr. RICHARD PEARCE, Lloyds' agent at Penzance, for his repeated services in saving life from shipwreck—a silver medal.

October 30.—To WILLIAM HOOD, cox- swain of the life-boat at Seaton Carew, four miles south of Hartlepool, Durham, forgoing off to wrecks thirty-two times, and having assisted in saving 120 persons—silver medal.

Nov. 27.—To SAMUEL MOODY, coxswain of the life-boat stationed at Skegness, Lincolnshire, recommended by the Lincoln County Association as having personally as- sisted in saving 53 lives—a silver medal.

Nov. 27.—To the coxswains of the five life-boats, supported by the Liverpool Dock Trustees, for having distinguished themselves in going off to save life, a silver medal each :— THOMAS EVANS, coxswain of the Magazines life-boat, who has gone off 106 times; PETER CROPPER, of the Liverpool life-boat, 96 times; JOSEPH FORMBY, of the Formby life-boat, 70 times; ROBERT BECK, of the Point of Ayr life-boat, 60 times; GEORGE DAYIES, of the Hoylake life-boat, 59 times.

Nov. 27.—A boat wrecked 28th Sept., on Cape Clear, on the coast of Cork. Crew saved. Reward 41..

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