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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Foreign Life-Boat Services. Rescues from British Vessels and Numbers of the Fleets

Date: October 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 339

DURING 1938 foreign life-boats went out to the help of 53 British vessels; forty-five of these services were by the United States, three by Norway, two by Holland, and one each by France, Sweden and...

Category: Services

Dingaling (1)

Date: Winter 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 507

Atlantics join forces to save yacht crew on Chichester Bar The Institution's Bronze medal for bravery has been awarded to crew member Graham Raines of the Hayling Island lifeboat crew following a very difficult rescue involving two...

The "Life-Boat Saturday" Movement

Date: November 1893

Volume: 15

Issue: 170

THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION is certainly deeply indebted to the ladies and gentlemen who, under the able guidance of Mr. CHARLES W. MACARA, the energetic promoter of the "Life-boat Saturday" move- ment, brought the...

Category: Articles

Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

Date: March 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 329

Coxswain's Certificate of Service.

THE COXSWAIN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, and & PENSION, have been awarded to :— . ' FREDERICK BARNES, 19J years coxswain and 13 years second coxswain, and 2J years...

Category: Awards

The French Cutter Naia

Date: March 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 403

FRENCH CUTTER ESCORTED INTO HARBOUR Ramsgate, Kent. At 9.38 on the evening of the 1st September, 1962, the east pier watchman informed the coxswain that a yacht was ashore on the Brake sands and was firing distress flares. At ten o'clock...

Charles Elisa

Date: February 1890

Volume: 14

Issue: 155

SHOREHAM,—On the 1st November a French schooner, the Charles Elisa, of Paimpol, bound from Bordeaux for Shoreham with empty casks, was driven by the force of wind and sea into the bay, and was compelled to drop her anchor to prevent being...

Safety at Sea With Pyrotechnics-Part 1 Choosing the Right Distress Signals

Date: January 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 438

WITH the present boom in the yachting and boating industry rising steadily each year, as more and more people seek and enjoy pleasurable pastimes afloat, there is also a growing anxiety from the marine rescue associations generally about the...

Category: Articles

Book Reviews

Date: March 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 423

With his series of books telling the stories of different life-boat stations Grahame Farr is making a unique contribution to the history of the life-boat service. Wreck and Rescue in the Bristol Channel (Part II): The Story of the Welsh...

Category: Articles


Date: Summer 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 481

BECAUSE of the growing interest in Shoreline clubs it has been suggested that we try to organise a general, countrywide get-together and, following a kind offer from Shoreline Club No 3, Southend-on-Sea, we are looking into the possibility...

Category: Articles


Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944


At 3.55 in the morning the coastguard reported that a landing craft was dragging her anchor in the harbour and said that the life-boat might be needed. Another message at 4.20 asked her to...