AT the close of year ended the 30th June, 1908, there wore 280 stations in the United States Life-Saving Service this number being two in excess of the total for the preceding year. The stations were subdivided as before into thirteen...
Category: Articles
‘Being able to do something for someone – giving them that extra chance – you just feel pleased that you’ve done it,’ says Jennie Court, before our interview is brought to a sudden halt. We’re interrupted by the shrill ringing of a bell from...
Category: Articles
A VALUABLE addition has recently been made to MANBY'S Mortar Life-Apparatus, by the ingenuity of Captain K. B. MARTIN, the well-known Harbour-Master of Rams- gate. That apparatus having been supplied by the Commissioners of Ramsgate...
Category: Articles
LOSSIEMOUTH.—On the 1st January, 1861 the sloop Thomas and Jane, of Dundee carried away her main boom, and having nearly four feet of water in her hold, and the master and crew being quite exhausted hoisted a signal of distress, which was...
Category: Services
To chronicle at the close of each succeed- ing year the notable events which have marked its course, is a very natural and in many ways a useful and profitable duty for statisticians to carry out; and the past year has been anything but un-...
Category: Articles
— The fish- ing boats were out on the 7th July, and by noon bad weather had set in. A moderate E.S.E. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. The coxswain was told by fishermen coming ashore that the local coble Quest was still at sea and in a...
On the morning of the 22nd of January the sea was heavy and still rising, and several of the local fishing cobles were at sea. By 11.59 A.M. a moderate S.S.E. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea, and the pulling and sailing life-boat...
On the evening of the 15th November the whole of the local fishing fleet, excepting the Mar- garet and Helen, had returned from the fishing grounds on account of bad weather. A moderate S.S.E. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. About 5.30 P...
Holy Island, Northumberland. — A t 10.40 A.M. on the 7th January the second coxswain reported that the local motor fishing coble Reliance was at sea. A moderate S.E. wind was blowing. The sea was heavy and breaking right across the bar. The...
Cromarty.—On the afternoon of the 23rd December the local fishing boat Messina, with three men on board, was seen to be in a dangerous position off South Suter Point. She was trying to get back after lobster fishing, but could make no...