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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Gipsy King of Glasgow

Date: February 1871

Volume: 08

Issue: 79

— The schooner Gipsy King, of Glasgow, was totally wrecked during a heavy gale of wind on the Dulas Rocks, on the Anglesey coast, on the 17th October. At daybreak, during fearful weather, one of the crew was seen floating on a piece of...

Classified Advertisements

Date: Winter 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 479

Wordage: £5.50 per .single column centimetre (minimum charge £16.50). NB: The minimum space of 3cm takes about 45 words at 15 words per cm.

With illustration: £12 per single column centimetre (minimum charge...

Category: Advertisement

Getting the Message

Date: Winter 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 527

The equipment in everyday use aboard a lifeboat has developed to the point where it has evolved its own jargon, almost as arcane as the language of the sea itself. In this, the first of an occasional series on the technicalities of lifeboats...

Category: Articles

Wynstruments Limited

Date: Winter 1986

Volume: 49

Issue: 495

WhybuyWynn? * The World's best known and most comprehensive range of Window Wipers. And the internationally acclaimed Kent Clear View Screens — suitable for all vessels from river craft to ocean liners and warships.


Category: Advertisement

The Nigerian Fish-Factory Ship Azu

Date: Spring 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 512

Lifeboat rescues 33 crew from grounded ship in gales and darkness A difficult service in very poor conditions in which 33 seamen were taken off grounded fish factory ship has led to Coxswain Mechanic Hewitt Clark of Lerwick lifeboat station...

Tributes to Sir George Shee

Date: December 1931

Volume: 28

Issue: 308

Torbay Motor Life-boat to be Named after Him.

AT their meeting on 17th September the Committee of Management resolved to " mark their high appreciation of Sir George Shee, as Secretary of the Institu- tion for...

Category: Articles

A Welsh Silver Medal Service

Date: December 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 324

Rescue of a French Crew at Barry Dock.

ON the morning of 17th September the French schooner Goeland, of Paimpol, was on her way from Brest to Swansea with a cargo of onions. A strong gale from the W.N.W. was blowing, with...

Category: Services

The Elizabeth

Date: August 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 125

At 5 A.M. on the 2nd April a brig was observed on shore on Baldoyle Bank.

The Clara Baker Life-boat was launched, and, with great difficulty, owing to the strong gale which was then blowing from the E. and the heavy sea,...

A Light-Ship Electrically Connected With the Shore. (From the Times, 20th March, 1894.)

Date: August 1894

Volume: 15

Issue: 173

THE Royal Commission on Electrical Communication with Light-houses and Light - vessels recommended that five light-vessels be immediately connected with the shore by a telegraphic cable, viz., the Goodwin, at the north end of the sand; the...

Category: Articles


Date: Summer 2018

Volume: 61

Issue: 624 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2018

Celebrating the RNLI family, past and present

Happy birthday, Frammy!
A former Whitby crew member recently celebrated his 90th birthday. He served on the lifeboat from 1951 to 1975. Ronnie Frampton, known...

Category: Articles