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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Restoration of the Apparently Drowned

Date: November 1880

Volume: 11

Issue: 118

THE termination of another summer, with an even longer tale than usual of deaths from drowning, almost instinctively in- duces the reflection as to whether or not the proper measures to adopt in order to restore suspended animation are as...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: January 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 430

DURING the years 1963 to 1969 inclusive the Institution opened no fewer than 49 new stations and closed 11. These contrasting figures are evidence of the way in which the R.N.L.I. has been coping with the increasing demands...

Category: Articles

Centenary of the Poolbeg Station

Date: October 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 327

A LIFE-BOAT, built in Dublin, was stationed at Poolbeg by the Dublin Ballast Board in 1820, four years before the Institution was founded. It was " at the entrance of the River Liffey ; kept on the quay, near a crane." It is known...

Category: Articles

The Lifeboat Service - Past and Present

Date: Autumn 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 494

100 Years Ago The following item was first published in THE LIFEBOAT of August, 1886.


ON the 20th of April last a grievous disaster occurred on the Goodwin Sands, which...

Category: Articles

List of Gifts and Bequests Having Special Conditions Attached to Them Appropriated By the Committee In 1904

Date: May 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 216

The late Xr. William Wallis The late Mrs. 31. C. Liqard.

Rlrs. Charles Stephens . .

Amount of WE or Legacy.

Date received.

1894 6,000 - - 1904 1,000 - - 1,000 - - 1,798...

Category: Donations

Notes of the Quarter

Date: September 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 405

THE Institution is at present engaged on a major programme of construction and modernization, and at the time of going to press there are no fewer than 17 new life-boats in various stages of construc- tion. The total cost of this boat...

Category: Articles

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Date: August 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 201

Thursday, 10th January, 1901.

Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and...

Category: Committee

The Fundraisers

Date: Autumn 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 554

Bruno backs the lifeboats Harwich lifeboatmen had a very special visitor in August, when Frank Bruno came to town promoting the wacky gameshow 'It's a Knockout'. The former heavyweight boxing champ was backing the RNLI's...

Category: Articles

Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1901

Date: May 1902

Volume: 18

Issue: 204

Jan. 10.—Voted an aneroid barometer to Mr. Gr. H. WARD, master of the Trinity pilot cutter Alpha, and 10s. each to three of the crew for putting off in a boat from the cutter and rescuing ten of the crew of H.M. yawl Hind, which had stranded...

Category: Articles