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Date: Winter 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 535

Tyne saves crew of fjve from stranded fishing vessel Fraserburgh's Tyne class lifeboat City of Edinburgh was involved in a service on 11 September 1995 which although fairly short in duration was commended by the divisional inspector of...

Ann, of Blyth

Date: July 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 37

On the 12th June the brig Ann, of Blyth, parted her cables in a S.E. gale, in Alnmouth Bay, and was driven ashore. The small four-oared self-righting life-boat belonging to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was quickly launched in a heavy...

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution from the 1st Oct. To the 31st Dec., 1876

Date: February 1877

Volume: 10

Issue: 103

DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN.—On the night j of Sunday the 1st October, 1876, the ] No. 2 Life-boat, John Turner-Turner, res- cued the crew of the brig Mary Ann, of Whitehaven, and 4 boatmen, being 10 in all, from that vessel, which had drifted on...

Category: Services

Margaret Davis, of Girvan

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

On the 26th October, the smack Margaret Davis, of Girvan, was totally wrecked on a reef of boulder-stones, a short distance south of the harbour of that place, during a gale of wind. The crew expected to get her off, but the gale increas-...

Ino, of West Hartlepool

Date: January 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 75

On the 10th December, during a heavy gale from S.S.W., the brigantine Ino, of West Hartlepool, was observed making for the shore in an apparently sinking state.

It subsequently appeared that she had been in collision with...

Catherina Regina

Date: February 1883

Volume: 12

Issue: 127

The brig Catherina Regina, of Riga, went ashore in Druridge Bay during very stormy weather on the morning of the 7th December. On information of the occurrence being received at the Life-boat Station, the boat was conveyed on her carriage to...


Date: August 1887

Volume: 13

Issue: 145

SCARBOROUGH.—On the morning of the 2nd December, 1886, during a heavy gale from the N., the dandy Gustave, of and from St. Yalery-en-Canx for North Shields with flint stone, brought up in the roads about a mile S.E. from the piers, showed...


Date: February 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 251

The Life-boat Charles and Susanna Stephens saved the crew of three hands of the barge Challenge, of Weymouth, during a strong N.E. gale and very heavy sea, on the 12th April. The barge, whilst bound from Portland to London with a cargo...

The Life-Boat Service Abroad

Date: November 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 254


THE Annual Report of the United States Life-Saving Service for the year ending 30th June, 1913, states that 73 lives were lost on the coasts (which includes the coast of the Great...

Category: Articles


Date: February 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 191

WINTERTON. — The full - rigged ship Galatea, of Greenock, bound from Hamburg to Sydney with a general cargo, stranded on Hammond's KnolJ, in a fresh N.E. breeze, a rough sea and thick weather, on the 27th June. The lookout man at...