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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Lifeboat weekends

Date: Autumn 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 466

A SERIES of unusual long weekends for lovers of ships, lifeboats and the sea are to be held in St Ives, Cornwall.

Mike and Jill Elleston, who own the tiny Skidden House Hotel, have organised two weekends in February and...

Category: Articles

The Motor Coaster Cyprian Coast

Date: December 1947

Volume: 32

Issue: 344

COASTER RE-FLOATED Caister, Norfolk.—At about 10.30 in the morning of the 12th of October, 1947, a motor vessel was seen stranded on the west side of Scroby Sands, two miles east of the life-boat station, and the motor life-boat Josk Neville...

Lifeboat Small Ads

Date: Spring 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 528

REPLICAS BY BRIAN WILLIAMS One of the world's leading minature model specialists.


Category: Advertisement

Bucklers Hard Boat Builders Ltd.,

Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

B O A T B U I L D E R S The Choice of the discerning • Full Repair & Maintenance • Custom Build Facility (Power & Sail) • Mobile Crane up to 25 tons • Summer & Winter Lay-up/Storage • Chandlery • Car Parking Determining who...

Category: Advertisement

What They Achieved

Date: Spring 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 552

Desperately needed medical relief was brought to 10,000 people in villages marooned by floodwater, thanks to the RNLI's Mozambique rescue mission.

Crews ferried a doctor and logistician from the French medical agency... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Kate, of Lyne

Date: October 1865

Volume: 05

Issue: 58

On the 26th March the schooner Kate, of Lynn, was observed about 2 miles off this place drifting towards the land during a strong easterly gale. The Filey life-boat was at once launched, and took off the crew of 4 men, landing them in safety...

Seventeenth of May

Date: February 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 95

On the 3rd Feb., during an easterly gale, the Job Uindley Life-boat on this station was launched on observing the wreck of the Nor- wegian schooner Seventeenth of May, from which she was successful in saving 7 men..

The Use of Oil for Smoothing Troubled Waters

Date: August 1891

Volume: 14

Issue: 161

WITH the view of diminishing the serious loss of life which takes place every year from fishing-vessels both on the coasts of the United Kingdom and in the North Sea, and other fishing grounds, the Com- mittee of the NATIONAL SEA FISHERIES...

Category: Articles

On the Road

Date: Summer 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 545

Mobile Training Unit No. 7 (MTU 7) is one of eight RNLI mobile training units which are dedicated to providing training for lifeboat crews at their own stations. The units vary in size from a small van (MTU 8) to large mobile classroom units...

Category: Articles

The Life-Boat Regulations

Date: April 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 76

THE following Regulations are intended for the guidance of the Local Committee to be formed at each place at which a life-boat is stationed by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT Is- srmrnoN, and to whose care and control the life-boat, her crew, and...

Category: Articles