In a New Year's Day's tug-of-war, Beaumaris lifeboat crew (left) beat the Royal Anglesey Yacht Club for the second year running. As the two teams got their breath back John Berry presented a cheque for £1,200 to Mrs Nancy Lomax,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
During the first Benson and Hedges Fair Isle International Yacht Race, which was mentioned in the Y.L.A. section in the January edition, the crew of the reserve life-boat Hilton Briggs from Kirkwall, exercising in the area, towed two of the... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE Stromness Motor Life-boat has already shown on more than one occa- sion what a Motor Life-boat can do in the way of long-distance services. One of these was described in The Life-Boat for February this year. On that occa- sion she...
Category: Services
The Dowager Viscountess Colville of Culross, OBE president of Inverbervie and district ladies' guild from 1973 to 1985 and who was awarded a gold badge in 1982..
Category: Obituaries
On the 29th January the services of the Caister No. 1 Life-boat, the Birmingham, were called into requisition. She had been summoned to the aid of an Italian barque, then on the " Cross " Sand, where lights and flares were seen to...
THE DEATH of Captain Nigel Dixon was a serious and sudden loss to the RNLI.
He became Secretary of the Institution.
a t i t l e which was later altered to that of Director, at a difficult time in 1970. Not...
Category: Articles
The Captain takes his hat off totheRNLL ...
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Category: Advertisement
DONNA NOOK, LINCOLNSHIRE. — A fearful gale was experienced on this coast on the 30th September, 1871. In the midst of the storm an Italian barque, the Three Sisters, became a complete wreck, attended with an agonizing and consider- able loss...
Category: Services
THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 145 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 17 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to 15th June, 1939 66,237 The Duke of Kent's Presidential Address A Record Year.<...
Category: Meetings
In addition to the services by life-boats which resulted in saving lives and which are recorded in full on pages 642, 646 and 648, the following launches on service were made during the months December 1968, January, February, 1969,...
Category: Services