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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. Longships

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

DEC. 22ND. - ST. MARY’S, SCILLY ISLES. At about 4 A.M. the coastguard reported a vessel ashore on the Seven Stones and in need of immediate help. A moderate E.N.E breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Cunard was...

The S.S. Dynamo

Date: July 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 346

Cromer, Norfolk.—On receipt of a message from the coastguard that a vessel was at anchor off Cromer, and wanted to land survivors of a sunken boat, the No. 2 motor life-boat Harriot Dixon was launched at 1.10 in the morning of the 1st of...

The S.S. Orchis

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

30th November.

The s.s. Orchis, carrying a crew of nine, put out from Par with a cargo of china clay for Dundee and Aberdeen. She sprang a leak and began to founder, and her crew took to the ship's...

The S.S. Lock

Date: May 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 260

The s.s. Loch Lomond, of Dundee, whilst bound from the Tyne to Marseilles with a cargo of 3,600 tons of coal, stranded on the North Holm Sand on the 8th November.

A strong westerly breeze was blowing at the time, with a...

The S.S. Caslon

Date: April 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 360

Donaghadee, Co. Down.—At 2.10 in the morning of the 6th of November, 1951, the agents for the S.S. Caslon, of London, telephoned that the steamer had wirelessed that she had a sick man on board and asked for help. Her master would take her...

S.S. Sard

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

FEBRUARY 20TH. - CLOUGHEY, CO. DOWN. At 4.55 A.M. the Tara coastguard telephoned that a steamer was ashore in Knockinelder Bay, and the motor life-boat Herbert John was launched at 6 A.M. A light south-easterly wind was blowing, with a...

The S.S. Skane (1)

Date: May 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 260

Whilst seven men were engaged, on the 23rd December, on board the s.s. Skane, of Helsingborg, endeavouring to save her, a very heavy sea got up and, as they were in consider- able danger, it was necessary to launch ( the No. 1 Life-boat...

The S.S. Vassilis

Date: December 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 374

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.—At 5.40 on the afternoon of the 25th of August, 1955, the Coast Life-saving Service at Came rang- up to say that a steamer had gone aground at Collough Rock near Carnesore Point and had sig- nalled for help....

The S.S. Victoria

Date: November 1891

Volume: 14

Issue: 162


Victoria, of Sunderland, 1960 tons, bound from Hamburg for New York with a general cargo, was seen about five miles N.

of Dunnet Head Lighthouse with signals of distress,...

The S.S. Castleford

Date: November 1887

Volume: 13

Issue: 146

ST. MARY'S, SCILLY ISLANDS.—On the night of the 9th June, it was reported that a steamer was ashore on Crebawethan, one of the rocks to the westward of St.

Mary's; a dense fog prevailed at the...