For which Rewards were given at the October, November, December and January Meetings of the Committee of Management.
EOBIN HOOD'S BAY, YORKSHIRE.— On 3rd September the ex-Coxswain of the Life-boat and three...
Category: Services
The Cost of the Life-boat Service compared with the Value of the Lives Saved.
No one can calculate the full value of a life saved, or a life risked. But certain calculations can be made, and have been made, by Insurance...
Category: Articles
—A message was received at Walton-onthe- Naze by telephone from the Gunfleet Lighthouse, on the morning of the 14th January, stating that a steamer was flying signals of distress 2J miles S,E...
KNIGHT of the Sea! though " Sir "-Itss thou be, Thy heart beats brave, and is strong to save From the deadly wave and the deep-sea grave.
Knight of the Sea! true son of the free! The storm thou'lt dare when...
Category: Poetry
THE management and the practical working of a great national service like that of the Life-boat demand the constant attention of the technical officers of the Institution ; and these, under the direction of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats,...
Category: Articles
XLXIX. RYE.—The Mary Stanford, 34 feet by 7 feet 9 inches, 10 oars.
L. WINCHELSEA.—The Frances Harris, 33 feet by 8 feet 2 inches, 10 oars.
THESE two most interesting towns well deserve the descriptive...
Category: Articles
FOE the second time within two years Newquay has been fortunate enough to receive a Royal visit, and has thus been the means of illustrating the deep interest taken by our kingly Patron in the national service which it is the privilege of...
Category: Articles
THE following summary of eight months' work by a new honorary secretary, Miss G. Coventry, of Milford- on-Sea, Hampshire, deserves to be put on record.
A year ago Miss Coventry bought an old life-boat (the Mevagissey,...
Category: Articles
Jan. 5, 1860.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and II. to SAMUEL DUNN, in acknowledgment of his intrepid and prompt services in rescuing, at...
Category: Articles
SWANSEA —On the 4th May, 1872, the Life-boat Wolverhampton, stationed at the Mumbles, proceeded to the assistance of the ketch Jupiter, of Hamburg, which had gone ashore near the harbour during a strong gale from the W. Some of the crew of...
Category: Services