Gas tanker aground A DANISH GAS TANKER, Inga Tholstrup, ran aground on Craig Waugh, two miles south east of Inchkeith in the Firth of Forth, early in the morning of Monday November 10, 1986. Forth Coastguard alerted Dunbar lifeboat station,...
From Photograph by Messrs. Russell tc Sons, London H.R.H. The PRINCE of WALES has always taken a keen interest in the Institution and in its work. He succeeded his Royal Father the Prince Consort as Vice- Patron in February, 1863, and has...
Category: Drawings
IN the Number (115) of the Life-boat Journal for February, 1880, there appeared a brief description of the means provided for the Pre- servation of Life from Shipwreck in the United States of America, not only on their sea coasts but on the...
Category: Articles
At about 1.50 A.M. the naval authorities telephoned that the auxiliary patrolmotor boat Noel II, with four men on board, was having trouble with her engine and was adrift off the Heugh. A...
At 8.50 in the morning the Cullercoats life-boat station received a message from the Tynemouth coastguard that a vessel had...
Coxswain J. McLeod, of Thurso, Caithness-shire has won the bronze medal for gallantry in rescuing two exhausted men from a ship's raft when it was within two hundred yards of the rocks in a heavy sea. The life-boat then went to another...
Category: Articles
To help support this noble cause May we not plead in vain; God help the hearts that risk their lives For others on the main.
Far on the angry billows deep, Mid lightning's vivid gleam, "Where heav'n's...
Category: Poetry
AMONGST the many noble deeds of heroism by our Life-boats' crews and others during the recent fearful gale, perhaps none is more deserving of being held up for public admiration and sympathy than that of the Captain of the s.s. Cyprian,...
Category: Articles
The RNLI Medina 35's rigid hull, on which the 31in diameter inflatable sponson will be mounted, has a long, fine bow which cuts cleanly through the crests of waves. Her sheer is bold, giving her considerable reserve buoyancy.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs