FCB2 is the RNLI’s experimental lifeboat, which is being developed to replace the Mersey class. As we reported last year, the hull proved inadequate in rough weather. A new hull shape has now been chosen, and the RNLI hopes the first...
Category: Articles
For her 1981-82 charity, the Mayoress of Canterbury, Mrs Owen Wildman, chose the RNLI as her special charity and raised more than £4,000 for Whitstable lifeboat station. Of that amount, her husband the Mayor, Councillor 'Biff... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
About eleven in the morning the coastguard reported a sailing boat flying a distress signal two miles south-south-west of Clacton pier. A strong south-westerly breeze was blowing and...
'Thank you for the fantastic day . . . it was great to meet the lifeboatmen and go on a real lifeboat..." wrote John Fenwick after his visit to the Royal Festival Hall.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The former Liverpool lifeboat William and Laura, normally on display at Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, is the heart of the RNLI's exhibition at Liverpool Garden Festival.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Above: Some of the 80 guests arriving for the gala performance of 'The Merry Widow' at Holland Park in Kensington on 27 June 2001.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
We would like to express the grateful thanks of the Institution to the following firms of publishers who have generously inserted the leaflet of the Institution in their Christmas issues or have given us a free advertisement in their pages...
Category: Correspondence
In addition to the services by IRBs which resulted in saving lives and which are recorded on pages 29, 39, 44, the following launches on service were made during the months September to November, 1967, inclusive.
Category: Services
THE Life-boat Institution's depot at Boreham Wood was completed in July, 1939. It replaced the old store-yard on the Thames at Poplar, which had served the Institution for more than fifty years.
The Poplar store-yard...
Category: Articles
LTNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE, DEVON.— On the 19th March the Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives, encountered a heavy squall, when off Lynmouth, which carried away her foremast, bowsprit, and bulwarks; in a helpless state she subsequently drifted before a...