At about 10 A.M. on the 20th April, a ketch was seen to miss stays and run aground on Taylors Bank, and as the cone had just been hoisted denoting a gale might be expected, the Life-boat John andHenrietta was launched and proceeded to...
IT is the peaceful Sabbath-tide ; The sacred words have scarcely died That asked a guardian angel's hand For wand'rers over sea and land; Across the dancing waters bright A gallant vessel greets the sight, With every sunlit canvas...
Category: Poetry
Before the crowds assembled: view across the harbour to the lifeboat house and slipway. On show were the* Whitby pulling lifeboat, Robert and Ellen Robson, ait Atlantic 21 and a D class 1LB.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
IN the Life-boat Journal, No. 11, we gave as one reason for the discontinuance of the register of shipwrecks, on the coasts of the United Kingdom, which we had previously inserted, that a Wreck Register was being compiled at the Admiralty...
Category: Articles
THE third year of the Essay Competition has brought a number of interesting and very readable essays, and although scarcely up to the excellent standard of the first two years, it can be said that only in a few cases did they fail to show an...
Category: Articles
(Bottom) Her owner, a crewman from the towing vessel and a helicopter winchman put aboard for the attempt are snatched to safety by the lifeboat crew.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Two local motor fishing boats, Mizpah and Norse- man, put to sea early on the morning of 1 st December. Later a strong southerly breeze sprang up, reaching gale force in squalls, and a rough sea, with broken water, was running across the...
AFTER twenty-seven years with the Institution it is brought home to me more than ever that the great majority of the people of these islands have a dash of the salt of the sea in their veins. For twelve years, as an in- spector on the coast,...
Category: Articles
A Crew Member Urges The Severn Class Lifeboat Towards Her Destination,. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Stronsay, Orkneys.—At 10.43 on the night of the 25th of February, 1957, a message was received from the Kirk- wall coastguard that the motor vessel Finvoy, of Belfast, was in danger of being driven ashore east of Horse of Copinsay. At 11.20...