New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 7.12 on the evening of the 20th of August, 1951, the Formby coastguard tele- phoned that a motor cruiser was aground on the Burbo Bank near R.4 Buoy in the Rock Channel. Two men had walked ashore from her leaving...
THE Institution has received a leather cushion which has been specially made for it by an engineer in the Sudan government dockyard at Khartoum, Mr. R. C. Roberts, of Broughton-in- Furness. The cushion, which has been made in imitation of...
Category: Articles
Born in Cork, Clodagh McKenna describes her cooking as: ‘A fresh, modern take on Irish food with a focus on seasonal and local produce.’ Seafood is at the core of her cooking, influencing everything from...
Category: Articles
IN the obituary notice of the Viscount Grey of Fallodon, which appeared in the last issue of The Life-boat, it was stated that his last public appearance on behalf of the Institution was at the inaugural ceremony of the Boulmer motor...
Category: Obituaries
Girvan, Ayrshire.—At 10.45 on the night of the 14th of July, 1952, infor- mation was received from the JBallan- trae coastguard that signals had been reported from a small boat near Lendalfoot, and the life-boat crew were assembled. The...
As a result of the account by Mr.
Robert H. Mahony, honorary secretary of the Ballycotton station, in the June issue of The Life-boat, of the very gallant service of the Ballycotton motor life-boat to the Daunt Rock...
Category: Services
Flo & Dick Smith is launched. In the background is the Trearddur Bay lifeboat station and the crowd who attended the ceremony. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE Institution was represented in the Lord Mayor's Show, on 10th November, by a Life-boat and crew drawn by atractor. The description as it appeared in the programme of the show was :—• " The Ellen & Margaret of Seattle...
Category: Articles
Valentia, Co. Kerry.—At 4.5 on the morning of the 5th of June, 1957, a message was received from Valentia radio that the Irish Sea Fisheries trawler Naoim Cait was adrift fifteen miles south-west of Skelligs Rock.
IN Northern Ireland the Life-boat Service has been receiving very valuable help from the Boys' Brigade during the last two or three months. The Belfast Battalion has made a systematic house to- house collection in the city of Belfast,...
Category: Articles