IT WAS ONE of those glorious days. A day to be taken out and inspected and admired now and then in years to come.
It would make one feel warm and good all over again. A glad-to-be-alive day.
The sun was...
Category: Articles
Eleven Lives Lost on the Yorkshire Coast.
ON the evening of 24th September, 1935, the steam trawler Skegness, of Hull, returning to Hull from the Faroes, with eleven men on board, went ashore under Speeton Cliffs on the...
Category: Services
A boat with its own fascinating RNLI history set out on a perfect day last Summer. Little did her crew know it was to be her last voyage …
‘We set off in ideal conditions – you couldn’t have...
Category: Articles
At the Annual Meeting of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, on the 17th March last, the EARL off SHAFTESBURY was present, and delivered the following interesting speech. He said:— " The Committee of this society has conferred ! upon me...
Category: Articles
IN the columns of each number of this Journal we have had the pleasure to record numerous instances of our life-boats' services to shipwrecked crews. When it is remembered under what difficult and dangerous circumstances those services...
Category: Articles
The Dutch tanker Liseta had been torpedoed, but the survivors of her crew were picked up by an escort vessel. A boat from the American steamer Ranci Vigo was found broken down, and was towed...
OCTOBER DURING October life-boats were launched 42 times and rescued 16 lives.
DOCTOR TAKEN TO SHETLAND ISLAND Aith, Shetlands.—At 2.35 on the after- noon of the 2nd of October, 1953, the doctor at...
Category: Services
Thursday, 9th October, 1913.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Read the minutes of the Building,...
Category: Committee
ONE OF THE PEOPLE upon whom honorary life governorship was bestowed at the 1973 annual meeting of the RNLI was Professor William W. Flexner, pho, in recognition of the very valuable help which he has given to the lifeboat service in the...
Category: Articles
THE RNLI'S ACCOUNTS for 1975 are not complete at the time of going to press, hut it is certain that expenditure will have exceeded income. In other words there w i l l he a deficit which will have to he made good.
Category: Articles