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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution During the First Six Months of 1875

Date: August 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 97

ST. DAVID'S.—On the 1st January last the Life-boat Augusta, stationed at this headland, rendered good service to the schooner Amity, of Beaumauris, which, while on a voyage from Bangor to Swansea, became embayed in a dangerous position...

Category: Services

A Landing Craft (1)

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

JULY 10TH. - SHOREHAM HARBOUR, SUSSEX. At 1.55 in the afternoon a message was received from the coastguard that a landing craft had broken down six miles south-south west of Shoreham Harbour.

A strong south-west wind was...

Life-Boat Services of the World: Belgium

Date: November 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 285

By E. Pierrard, Director-General for the Belgian Marine Administration.THE establishment of the Service for the Saving of the Shipwrecked on the Belgian coast dates from 1838, when the Belgian Government decided to provide an organization....

Category: Articles

Henry 'Shrimp' Davies (1)

Date: Summer 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 561

Henry 'Shrimp' Davies Former Cromer coxswain (see right) deaths Henry 'Shrimp' Davies Henry Davies was given the nickname 'Shrimp' after his famous uncle, coxswain Henry Blogg, saw him as a tiny...

Category: Obituaries

Left: Stormy Stan Takes Charge of a Royal Navy Submarine

Date: Spring 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 544

Left: Stormy Stan takes charge of a Royal Navy submarine, while . . .. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

A Silver Medal Service at Longhope

Date: June 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 310

ON the night on 9th January signals of a vessel in distress were seen off Tor Ness at the south-west end of the island of Hoy in the Orkneys. She was found later to be the trawler Dorbie of Hull.

It was then ten minutes...

Category: Services

What Lancashire and Yorkshire Have Done for the Life-Boat Cause

Date: August 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 165

IT will be in the memory of our readers that the Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION issued a special appeal last year for funds and increased permanent support. They pointed out that, while each year the efficiency of...

Category: Articles

Frances Mary

Date: November 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 110

On the 23rd August, the brigantine Frances Mary, of Drogheda, stranded on Drogheda Bar during a, heavy E. gale, accompanied by a rough sea. The John Rutter Ohorley Life-boat proceeded to her assistance, but only 1 of the crew then came...

Imperial Prince

Date: December 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 280

A VERY fine service in which the crew of the Newburgh Life-boat and men of H.M. Destroyers Vampire and Vendetta played a gallant part, took place on October 19th, the anniversary of the wreck of the Hopelyn last year, off Belhelvie, near...

Lifeboat Classified

Date: Autumn 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 530

One of the world's leading miniature model specialists.


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