'Well, it was like this. I went to Ted and Mary's Life-boat Tavern at Tenby, Pembrokeshire, and hadn't been in the bar a minute before I saw with my own eyes one of the R.N.L.I.'s super new 48-foot 6-inch boats ahead of me. .... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
By Commander STOPFORD C. DOUGLAS, R.N., Inspector for the Irish District.
THE passage of this boat from Cowes to Kingstown gave her a. test to which Life-boats are not often subjected.
Category: Articles
Two Life-boat launches have taken place this year, those of the Motor Life- boats at Atklow in County Wicklow, and Wick in Caithness-shire.
The Arklow Boat, which is a Self- Righter, 40 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, ! fitted...
Category: Inaugurations
For one day during London lifeboat week in hoth 1977 and 1978.
Peter Elgar, a Shoreline member, set up a stand at British Airways Engineering West Base. Heathrow Airport, using his own boat as centrepiece. In 1977 he and... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THURSDAY, 1st Oct., 1874 -. ; THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of One previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck...
Category: Committee
Tramore ILB was twice thrown clear by large breaking seas before the boy stranded on a rocky islet in Ronan's Bay could be reached. Helmsman Frank Partridge and crew members Mr David Kenneally and Mr Sean Walsh have all received the... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
IN 1950, for the second year, the famous gardens of Sheffield Park, Sussex, were opened to the public on behalf of the Life-boat Service, by the kindness of their owners, Captain and Mrs. A. Gran- ville Soames. They were open for seven...
Category: Donations
Hythe.—The ketch Mazeppa, of Harwich, a small vessel of seventy-two tons, came to anchor in Hythe Bay about midnight on the l-2nd April. At about 2.30 A.M. the vessel dragged her anchors and drifted towards the shore,and the master,...
COXSWAIN HENRY BLOGG, of Cromer, who recently received the Silver Medal of the Institution for the rescue, last October, of thirty lives from the Italian steamer, Monte Nevoso, has received a postcard from San Diego, California, which says :...
Category: Articles
ABERDEEN.—The first Life-boat demon- stration in aid of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION in Aberdeen was held on Thursday, the 6th July, the "Royal Wedding Day." It had been originally intended to have a " LIFE-BOAT...
Category: Articles