You receive a letter from the RNLI, you open it and see ‘Invitation to attend a Special Visitor Day in Poole’. What should you do? Cancel, postpone or decline any other event on that same date! Why? So that you can experience a truly...
Category: Articles
On the 4th January, at 9 A.M., the brig Thompsons, of Whitby, in endeavouring to get into the harbour at Scarborough, missed the entrance and was driven on shore, the wind blowing a heavy gale from the eastward at the time. The Scarborough...
SIR,—When I was in St. Paul's Cathe- dral a few months since, I was moved afresh at the sight of the magnificent monuments to our great naval and mili- tary heroes, particularly those of Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington; and, as I...
Category: Correspondence
BRONZE MEDAL SERVICE AT WICK SEPTEMBER 21ST. - WICK, CAITHNESS-SHIRE. At 2.25 in the morning a message came from the coastguard that a vessel was ashore on the rocks inside Duncansby Head and in need of immediate help, and at five minutes...
The important question of providing harbours of refuge on exposed parts of the coast, where natural harbours are not to be found, to which merchant vessels and fishing-boats could ran for safety in gales of wind, has once more cropped up,...
Category: Articles
THE following essay was adjudged the best in a competition organised by the Institution and open to boys and girls up to the age of eleven in Great Britain and Ireland. It was written by Winefride Claire Davies, of the Old Colwyn County...
Category: Articles
Anyone who has recently completed a marathon or is training for one, possibly their first ever, will be grateful to Sally Wilson for putting the experience into words. The RNLI is receiving everincreasing support from sponsored marathon...
Category: Articles
SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT WALTON AND FRINTON OCT. 14TH. - WALTON AND FRINTON, ESSEX. The barges Esterel and Yampa, of London, were on their map from London to Norwich with cargoes of maize, When nearly opposite Orfordness they were caught by...
The Annual Meeting was held on the 19th May, the chair being taken by the Rev. P. R. Landreth, the Chairman of Committee. The Report showed that for the nine months ending the 30th Septem- ber, 1919, the-Branch had...
Category: Branches
Lyme Regis.
The Annual Meeting of the Branch was held on the 27th October, Dr. H. J.
Cooper, the Chairman of the Committee, being in the chair. The Annual Report for the year ending the 30th September last...
Category: Branches