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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. King David

Date: March 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 383

Southend-on-Sea, Essex.—At 11.56 on the morning of the 17th of Decem- ber, 1957, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a man had fallen down a hold on board the S.S.

King David, of London, and had broken both legs...

The S.S. Porthleven

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

Portrusb, Co. Antrim.—At 11.15 A.M.

on the 24th January the coastguard reported that a ship about three miles N.N.E. of Ramore Head was flying a two-flag signal, and was apparently in difficulties. A moderate to strong...

The S.S. Lassell

Date: Autumn 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 363

Cloughey, Co. Down. — At 12.30 in the early hours of the 10th of August, 1952, the coxswain reported that a vessel had gone aground on the north end of North Rock, about three miles off Cloughey, and at one o'clock the life-boat...

The S.S. Dublin Bay

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

FEBRUARY 27TH. - WICKLOW. At 9.30 in the morning the Wicklow civic guard telephoned to the life-boat mechanic that a ship was ashore in Brittas Bay, about six miles south of Wicklow Head. An eastnorth- east gale was blowing, with very heavy...

The S.S Hawkwood

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

GOLD MEDAL SERVICE AT HARTLEPOOL JANUARY 26TH. - HARTLEPOOL, DURHAM, AND TEESMOUTH, YORKSHIRE. At 6.55 in the morning word came from the coastguard that he had seen rockets from a vessel off Seaton Carew. The life-boat was called out at once...

The S.S. Topaz

Date: June 1947

Volume: 32

Issue: 342

ANOTHER COLLIER IN DIFFICULTIES Port Erin, Isle of Man.—At 11.15 in the morning of February 8th, 1947, the life-boat's honorary secretary saw the S.S. Topaz, of Glasgow, run on to the submerged breakwater. She was a collier, bound,...

The S.S. Duddon

Date: February 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 139

GILES QUAY, DUNDALK.—The s.s. Duddon, of Whitehaven, bound from Newport, Mon., for Dundalk, with a cargo of coal, went ashore on the bar during a strong breeze from the E.N.E. and a heavy sea, on the 16th of October. A steam-tug went to her...

The S.S. Aggie

Date: December 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 410

NORWEGIAN VESSEL Humber, Yorkshire. At 7.38 p.m. on 13th July, 1964, the coastguard told the coxswain superintendent that a Norwegian vessel anchored in Bull Anchorage had an injured man aboard whose condition required the services of a...

The S.S. Lyntre

Date: July 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 361

St. Helier, Jersey.—At 6.5 in the morning of the 29th of February, 1952, the harbourmaster reported that the S.S. Lyntre, of Jersey, had wirelessed that she had hit rocks off Noirmont Point, and at 6.25 the life-boat Elizabeth Rippon left...

The S.S. Argentum

Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

During foggy •weather on the 1st October the s.s.

Argentum, of Newcastle, stranded on the Blakeney West Sands whilst bound from Goole to Faversham with a cargo of coal. Coxswain Long observed the accident and promptly took...