Since the report in the winter 1985/6 issue of THE LIFEBOAT on the building of an experimental prototype of a fast carriage launched boat, extensive trials have been taking place. She is photographed (right) undergoing speed tests off...
Category: Articles
ON the 20th of January, 1954, the fishing yawl Poseidon, of Rothesay, left North Shields to fish off Eyemouth.
Early on the morning of the 22nd of January the crew of four found they could not start the engines. They were...
Category: Services
THE death recently in Belfast of Mr.
Joseph Devlin, the Nationalist Member of Parliament, recalls a notable appeal which he made on one occasion at the annual meeting of the Belfast Branch of the Institution in the Belfast...
Category: Obituaries
WHEN the Duchess of Kent, President of the Institution, made a tour of Corn- wall in May, she visited the life-boat station at Penlee. She was received there by Mr. Barrie Bennetts, M.B.E., the honorary secretary, who holds the...
Category: Articles
Port Erin, and Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.
—About 4.30 in the afternoon, on the 6th of September, 1950, the Ramsey coastguard telephoned the Port Erin life-boat station that the fishing re- search motor vessel William...
WITH the hearty co-operation of His Grace the Duke of DEVONSHIRE, who is the Mayor of Eastbourne and the Free- holder, and the Corporation of Eastbourne, the lessees, an admirable Bite for a new Life-boat house has recently been pro- vided...
Category: Articles
Lady Norton, a member of the Committee of Management, presented the RNLI 1977 public relations awards on the jetty of the central feature—Brighton Marina—on the first Sunday of the show. One was to members of that staunch band of lifeboat... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Special Vellunn for Doctor's services in severe conditions Aspecial Doctor's Thanks on Vellum has been awarded to Doctor Peter Fay of Kirkwall for his outstanding courage and determination following a service by Kirkwall's Severn...
Seaham Harbour, Co. Durham.—At 11.20 on the night of the 4th of Octo- ber, 1956. the coastguard telephoned that the fishing boat Moira, with a crew of two, was overdue from a fish- ing trip east-south-east of Seaham.
THE Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Mr. Harold Watkinson, has awarded the shield for the best wreck service during the past year to the Blyth Coast Life-Saving Company. As a result of their efforts nine members of the crew of the s...
Category: Awards