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The Building of Life-Boats

Date: February 1917

Volume: 23

Issue: 262

WE think that the public will be inter- ested to learn something of the way in which the Institution deals with one of the most important branches of the great life-saving work entrusted to it. Few except technicaJ experts can fully realize...

Category: Articles


Date: Autumn 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 363

Stromness, Orkneys.—At ten o'clock on the morning of the 23rd of October, 1952. a local man telephoned that he had seen two trawlers off Ness Battery, one of which appeared to be in diffi- culties. The life-boat honorary secre- tary and...


Date: Spring 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 532

JOIN THE RAC AND WE'LL DONATE £10 TO THE RNLI Help the RNLI with rescue at sea and, the same time/ cut the cost of rescue 3n the road.

Ongoing discounts Choice of services to suit your needs Complete motoring peace...

Category: Advertisement

God Help Our Men at Sea!

Date: February 1877

Volume: 10

Issue: 103

God help our men at sea! In firelit, pictured rooms, 'mid wine and flowers, And gleesome company, The wild winds awe us, in our blithest hours, To sigh this prayer; God help our men at sea ! I had a brother once. Our love ne'er...

Category: Poetry


Date: September 1962

Volume: 37

Issue: 401

TOW FOR CABIN CRUISER WITH CREW SEASICK Cromer, Norfolk. During the afternoon of the 29th May, 1962, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a message had been received from Sheringham that a cabin cruiser southward bound was flying...

Wreck of the Steamer "Duke of Sutherland."

Date: July 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 09

ON the 1st of April in the present year occurred one of those fearful wrecks which ever and anon startle even the inhabitants of these sea-girt islands, accustomed as they have been from time immemorial to the periodical sacrifice, by...

Category: Services

"The Life-Boat Men."

Date: November 1904

Volume: 19

Issue: 214

The following are the words of a spirited and striking song, set to music by the well-known composer Stephen Adams, recently published by Messrs. Boosey & Co., of Regent Street, London. The words, it will be observed, are by F....

Category: Songs

The Fundraisers

Date: Winter 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 527

It Moosed be a mistake! No-one in the RNLI's membership department had an inkling that Mr A. Moose of the Station Hotel, Hurworth Place near Darlington was anything other than a normal, valued member - and the landlord of the Station...

Category: Articles

The Mail Steamer St. Sunniva

Date: June 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 302

Two Wrecks in the Shetlands.

Stromness Motor Life-boat's Journeys of 260 and 240 Miles.

DURING March and April two vessels were wrecked on the Shetland Islands.

They were both vessels...

The Life-Boat Transporting-Carriage

Date: May 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 120

The Life-boat transporting-carriage is a very important auxiliary to the boat.

Every Life-boat, except a few of the larger size, is provided with a carriage, on which she is kept in the boat-house ready for immediate...

Category: Articles