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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Some Ways of Raising Money

Date: Autumn 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 446

Last year some boys belonging to the Bluebird Navigators visited the RNLI Depot at Boreham Wood with Mr Jim Garrard, of Kesgrove, Suffolk, their leader. Mr Garrard puts on his static displays for the RNLI all around the east coast and does...

Category: Articles

The Belgian Fishing Boat Anna Maria and Mobeka (1)

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT CAMPBELTOWN JANUARY 1 9TH. - CAMPBLE- TOWN, ARGYLLSHIRE, AND P O R T P A T R I C K , W I G T O W N - SHIRE. At seven minutes to eight in the morning a message came from the coastguard at Southend that a ship was...

Annabel II

Date: Summer 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 457

Capsized motor cruiser AT 1150 ON FEBRUARY 22, Skipper Tony Meyler, on board MFV Western Seas lying alongside in Aberystwyth Harbour, was told by Peter Kokelaar that the motor cruiser Annabel II had just capsized in heavy surf near the...


Date: Winter 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 447

Thirty-five years back • Reading the winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT brings back memories of, incredibly, nearly 35 years ago. Memories of those hectic days may have become a bit mixed up by the passage of time, but I think it was in the autumn...

Category: Correspondence


Date: Summer 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 509

FRIZZELL PERSONAL LOANS Tear here I Ab About Yourself •In the case of joint house ownership please complete and sign the application jointly.

Full name(s) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms About Your Loan Amount required S Date of Birth .<...

Category: Advertisement

The Anchor Liner California

Date: November 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 254

Aranmore and Greencastle, co. Donegal.

—The Anchor liner California, of Glas- gow—a vessel of nearly 9,000 tons register—stranded on the N.W. point of Tory Island, during a dense fog, on the evening of 28th June. She was...

American Honour for the Life-Boat Men of North Deal

Date: August 1920

Volume: 24

Issue: 270

IN recognition of their service to the American steamship Piave, the Presi- dent of the United States has presented a gold watch to Coxswain. William Adams, and a Gold Medal to each of the fourteen members of the crew of the Charles Dibdin....

Category: Awards

The Harvest Festival of Two Life-Boats

Date: November 1920

Volume: 24

Issue: 271

Two Life-boats, the Martha, of Cresswell, and the Edward and Eliza, of Holy Island, celebrated Harvest Festival by answering the call of vessels in distress. In both cases the crews were actually in church, and the Harvest Festival service...

Category: Articles

Awards to Honorary Workers

Date: May 1921

Volume: 24

Issue: 273

DURING February, March, and April, 1921, the following awards were made to Honorary Secretaries of Branches, and to other Honorary Workers, in recognition of their services on behalf of the Institution :— To Miss FLOBENCE EDWARDS, in...

Category: Awards

The Life-Boat Service In Ireland

Date: September 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 295

SINCE 1924 Mr. Timothy Healy, the Governor-General of the Irish Free State, has been the Patron of the Irish Free State District of the Institution, and when he accepted the Patronship he issued an earnest appeal to the people of the Free...

Category: Articles