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13061 search results for 'royal family'
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A 23' Westerly Pageant Yacht

Date: Spring 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 460

Electric storm INFORMATION THAT MOTOR YACHT Zaire was standing by a yacht in distress three miles south west of Anvil Point came from HM Coastguard to Swanage lifeboat station deputy launching authority at 1915 on Friday, September 24,...

The Danish Liquified Gas Carrier Regitze Tholstrup

Date: Spring 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 472

Donaghadee lifeboat, the 44ft Waveney Arthur and Blanche Harris, set out at 0929 on Monday January 21 to go to the help of the Danish liquified gas carrier Regitze Tholstrup aground north of Larne Harbour in an easterly gale and very rough...

Services of French Life-Boats

Date: July 1868

Volume: 06

Issue: 69

WE have much pleasure in extracting from the French Life-boat Journal the following interesting account of services performed by the life-boats of the " Societe Centrale de Sauvetage des Naufrages," during the first quarter of the...

Category: Services

Gardner Engine (Sales) Ltd.

Date: April 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 435


Telephone: I lead Ollice & Works: 061-789 2201. London: 01-828 3315....

Category: Advertisement

Fanny, of Salcombe

Date: August 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 97

On January 3 the schooner Fanny, of Salcombe, bound from Cardiff to Barbadoes, became a total wreck in Tramore Bay, county Waterford. The vessel had been observed, soon after noon, trying to beat out of the Bay, into "which a heavy sea,...

A Motor Fishing Boat

Date: June 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 338

Blyth, Northumberland. — 19th January, 1939. A local motor fishing boat was overdue, but she got in unaided, after having been delayed by a fouled propeller.—Rewards £14. 9s. 6d..

Victory for the Girls

Date: Autumn 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 546

Wives and girlfriends of Llandudno lifeboat crew showed off their skills during a charity football match against the local police squad in May.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The S.S. Dynamo

Date: August 1911

Volume: 21

Issue: 241

The N.N.E. gale of the 12th January blew with unusual violence at Fishguard, and at 6.30 A.M. signals of distress were made by the s.s. Dynamo, of Hull, in the bay. The Life-boat Charterhouse was launched, but she was delayed for some little...


Date: Summer 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 489

Ex-lifeboat A photograph appeared in the spring 1984 issue of THE LIFEBOAT of Hartlepool lifeboat towing in three fishing boats, one of which was Sea Spell. I believe Sea Spell, formerly known as Ladybird, to be an ex-RNLI lifeboat.

Category: Correspondence

Two Motor Life-Boat Inaugural Launches: Arklow and Wick

Date: November 1921

Volume: 24

Issue: 274

Two Life-boat launches have taken place this year, those of the Motor Life- boats at Atklow in County Wicklow, and Wick in Caithness-shire.

The Arklow Boat, which is a Self- Righter, 40 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, ! fitted...

Category: Inaugurations