Three of the crew and master (below) of the Medina D safely ashore after their rescue by Coxswain Catchpole and the crew of the Lowestoft Tyne Spirit of Lowestoft (Photos Eastern Daily Press). - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
DECEMBER No. 2 Life-boat Area Port St. Mary, Isle of Man - At 1.30 p.m. on 19th December, 1969, the coastguard told the honorary sec- retary that a catamaran was showing distress signals about eight miles south of Chickens Rock...
Category: Services
THE Bishop of St. David's, the Right Reverend John Richards, gave an address from the bandstand at Aberyst- wyth on the 9th May, 1962, in which he said: "No organisation in the whole of our history has revealed more truly the spirit...
Category: Articles
ON SATURDAY May 7 a damp, overcast morning overshadowed the preparations at Oban for the naming ceremony of the first 33ft Brede lifeboat to go on station. As the time of the ceremony drew nearer, however, the weather improved and a warm,...
Category: Inaugurations
The first of the three Barnett- Stromness model lifeboats to be 'commissioned', seen as though launching down a slipway with its proud 'coxswain', just three days short of his eighth birthday. He has called the model Falmouth... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
SIR,—When I was in St. Paul's Cathe- dral a few months since, I was moved afresh at the sight of the magnificent monuments to our great naval and mili- tary heroes, particularly those of Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington; and, as I...
Category: Correspondence
FOR the third year, in the seven years since the war ended, the Life-boat Service set up a new record. In 1952 its boats went out to the rescue 657 times. That is more than ever before in time of peace, and though the figure is considerably...
Category: Articles
West Mersea and Clacton-on-Sea: The Greek cargo ship Protoklitos was at anchor in the Blackwater Estuary when, on Monday February 7, fire broke out in her engine room and spread to her accommodation. It was a very cold day with a strong...
At 8.20 in the morning a message came from the senior naval officer, through the Blyth coastguard, that the Admiralty patrol vessel Robina Ingles appeared to be in difficulties. She...
DECEMBER 9th of last year was the fiftieth anniversary of the great disaster on the Lancashire coast when the life-boats at Southport and St. Anne's were both capsized, with the loss of 27 lives, in an attempt to rescue the crew of the...
Category: Articles