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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: August 1909

Volume: 20

Issue: 233

THUBSO, CAITHNESS-SHIRE.—A fierce W.N.W. gale sprang up shortly before midnight on the 6-7th January and increased as the night advanced. At about 1 A.M. the ketch Resolute, of New- castle, which was at anchor in the roads, made signals of...

Category: Services

Admiralty Register of Wrecks for the Year 1852

Date: January 1854

Volume: 01

Issue: 11

THE Blue Book under the above title which is annually presented to Parliament has just been published for the year 1852.

It comes at an appropriate time. Wintry gales, long nights, and dark fogs are the fit accompaniments...

Category: Articles

The Life-Belts In Use By the Crews of the Life-Boats of the Institution

Date: May 1872

Volume: 08

Issue: 84

The requisite qualities of a life-boatman's life- belt are—

1. Sufficient extra-buoyancy to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, or to enable him to support another person besides...

Category: Articles

Lord Saltoun Mc By His Grace the Duke of Atholl Chairman of the Committee of Management

Date: Autumn 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 470

WITH THE DEATH of Lord Saltoun, the RNLI has lost one of its most devoted supporters. His main interest was not so much in technical matters such as boats and methods of communication, but in the people who worked for the Institution, its...

Category: Obituaries

Secretary of the Institution

Date: November 1910

Volume: 21

Issue: 238

THE Committee of Management, at their meeting on the llth August last, appointed George F. Shee, M.A., Secre- tary of the Institution in succession to the late Mr. Charles Dibdin. Mr. Shee was educated at Stonyhurst and at the University of...

Category: Committee

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Date: Spring 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 552

Developing and supplying specialist equipment for over 4000 crew members is a very expensive exercise. The protective lifejacket pictured above for example costs £180, This is where you and a pair of scissors can help.

Category: Advertisement

(Right) the Rnli Is Controlled By a Committee of Management Formed of Distinguished Public Figures Who Give Their Services Voluntarily They Have Specialised Knowle

Date: Spring 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 448

(Right) The RNLI is controlled by a Committee of Management, formed of distinguished public figures who give their services voluntarily. They have specialised knowledge and experience to offer in a variety of fields.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Barrow to Poole: Log By Alec Moore Assistant Mechanic of Barrow Lifeboat Station

Date: Summer 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 485

SEPTEMBER 1982 Extracts from the log of Acting Motor Mechanic ALEC MOORE of the delivery trip of the 46ft 9in Watson lifeboat Herbert Leigh at the end of her time as a station boat; she is now in the relief fleet. For the voyage the other...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Lee S. Overman

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

AUGUST 1ST. - THE HUMBER, YORKSHIRE. At about 1.8 A.M. the Royal Naval shore signal station reported that a large steamer had run aground near the Chequer Shoal Buoy. The night was dark, but lit by lightning flashes, and there was a moderate...

The Emperor and Empress of France

Date: October 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 10

—The following account is given of a recent interview between Louis NAPOLEON and a man named LEFEORE, who has been instrumental in saving many lives:—-" How long is it, Lefeore, since I decorated you—and how many men have you saved...

Category: Articles