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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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First Aid In Life-Boats

Date: September 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 377

A XEW book of instruction on first aid, First Aid for Life-boat Crews, which has been prepared by Dr. Geoffrey Hale, a member of the Committee of Management, has been issued to all life-boat stations. The purpose of the book is to explain...

Category: Articles

Members' Page

Date: Spring 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 504

RNLI MEMBERSHIP SCHEME We are grateful to Christopher McGough, one of our Annual Governors, who has brought to our attention some historical notes concerning the membership scheme and, as we reach yet another milestone, it is an opportune...

Category: Meetings

Fund Raising at Sporting Events By Peter Holness

Date: Summer 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 445

A WAY of raising funds is to hold collections at sporting events, such as professional football matches, race meetings and dog track meetings, all of which attract large gates. Four London football clubs were helpful in 1970 and each allowed...

Category: Articles

Feature: the House That Vic Built

Date: Winter 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 575

Lifeboat stations around the coast are subject to immense wear and tear from the launch and recovery of lifeboats and exposure to the elements. If lifeboats are to remain operational their boathouses and slipways must, however, be kept in a...

Category: Articles


Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT TORBAY DEC. 16TH. - TORBAY, AND SALCOMBE, DEVON. In the early afternoon the schooner Henrietta, of Truro, with a crew of seven men, was carried by the strong spring tides and a gale from the east-north-east to the...

Life Saving Equipment

Date: Summer 2003

Volume: 59

Issue: 565

In the last issue of the Lifeboat you were updated on the state of the RNLI rescue fleet. But this is not the full picture as it misses out major pieces of RNLI rescue equipment. Some have been around for years, some are new arrivals, but...

Category: Articles

The Equipment of a Life-Boat. (Continued.)

Date: May 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 252

IT is now proposed to say a few words on the stowage and care of the gear, and though the remarks are addressed in the first place to the Coxswains, it is hoped that they will not be altogether without interest to the general...

Category: Articles

Wreck on the Brisson Rocks, Cornwall

Date: April 1852

Volume: 01

Issue: 02

It was stated in our first Number that a part of the plan of this Journal would be to place on record deeds of gallantry in saving life from shipwreck, as an example and en- couragement to others " to go and do like- wise;" and...

Category: Articles

Effecting Communication With Stranded Vessels

Date: July 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 09

THE mortar and rocket apparatus around the coasts of the United Kingdom, as stated in an early number of this Journal, is for the most part under the charge of the Coast- guard, who have frequently performed in- valuable services with it,...

Category: Articles

Grace Darling

Date: May 1913

Volume: 22

Issue: 248

THROUGH the generous gift of Lady John Joicey-Cecil the Royal National Life-boat Institution has lately come into the possession of a very precious relic connected with our Island story, and one singularly appropriate to the humane and...

Category: Articles