WHEN one has, for fifteen years, held an office that any man must be proud and thankful to occupy, it is not easy to say good-bye. Yet the time has come for my retirement from the post of Secretary of the Institution, and I must take leave...
Category: Articles
The following graphic account of a determined and gallant Lifeboat Service rendered on the occasion of a shipwreck which occurred on the Yorkshire Coast a few years since, is abridged from an interesting work, entitled, " Between the...
Category: Articles
On the evening of the 6th July a small trawler, the Hero, hailing from Rhyl, anchored in Llandudno Bay. There was a strong N.N.W. breeze blowing, with a rough sea, and at 7.40 P.M.
the men on board hoisted a signal of...
Rhyl, Flintshire.—At 2.25 on the afternoon of the 5th of July, 1953, the coastguard rang up to say that the Abergele police had reported that a small boat had capsized off Llandulas, and that her crew of two were swim- ming towards Abergele....
Rhyl, Flintshire - At i.i p.m. on 24th July, 1967, information was received that two flares had been seen north west of the life-boat station. The life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched at i.io in astrong west south westerly breeze...
On the 9th February, while a strong gale was blowing from W.S.W., the s.s. Resolven, of Cardiff, 1,032 tons register, bound from North Shields for Lisbon with coal, stranded on the Barber Sand. The No. 2 Life-boat Beauchamp proceeded to her,...
Drifting in a raging storm in the middle of the Irish Sea, the crew of the stricken Greek freighter, Nafsiporos, feared they’d never see their families again. Who had the skill and courage to get to them in time? It’s only 3½ weeks...
Category: Articles
Friday, 6th July, 1917.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the...
Category: Committee
How one woman’s generosity and a volunteer crew’s commitment made a 12-hour rescue possible
The lifeboat crew from the Isle of Barra in the Outer Hebrides worked through the night aboard the...
Category: Articles
DURING 1947 over forty golf clubs held competitions for the Life-boat Service and these brought it £256.
Five bowling clubs also held con petitions which brought £25, a total of £281..
Category: Donations