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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Waterballasting for Inshore Lifeboats

Date: Spring 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 460

ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS of inflatable and semi-rigid boats which makes them particularly suitable for rescue work at sea is their inherent stability; and the lower in the water they are, with their wetted beam increased, the greater their...

Category: Articles

Accounts of Services by Life-boats (1)

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

Launches 18. Lives Rescued 7.


WEXFORD. At 9.55 P.M. a telephone message was received that the Coningbeg Lightvessel had signalled a passing steamer that she wanted the...

Category: Services

Ocea (2)

Date: Winter 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 483

Steering failure LIVERPOOL COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of New Brighton lifeboat station at 1400 on Sunday August 29, 1982, that the yacht Ocea was acting in an erratic manner and appeared to be in difficulties just north of...


Date: November 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 134

PALLING, NORFOLK.—At 2.30 A.M. on the llth March, during squally weather, a vessel was observed showing signals of distress. The No. 2 Life-boat British Workman was promptly launched, and proceeded to the "vessel, which proved to be the...

Lowestoft Life-Boat Stands By M.V. "Ameland'

Date: September 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 397

(See page 120).. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Clacton's New Atlantic 21 Lifeboat Institute of London Underwriters

Date: Summer 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 513

Clacton's new Atlantic 21 lifeboat, Institute of London Underwriters, waits on the pier slipway during the naming ceremony ready to launch for a short demonstration. (Photo Jeff Morris). - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Life-Boat of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: April 1859

Volume: 04

Issue: 32

Fig. 3.

"Deck Plan.

Fig. 4.

Body Plan. Midship Section.

The accompanying figures show the general form, the nature of the fittings, and airchambers of one of...

Category: Articles

Rebecca donated 11 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust

Date: Spring 2019

Volume: 61

Issue: 627 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2019 (1)

Category: Photographs

The Work Boat Gille Brighde

Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

Crew rescue man trapped in capsized fishing vessel James McPhee, the coxswain of Campbeltown lifeboat, has been awarded the Thanks of the RNLI inscribed on Vellum following a service to the work boat Gille Brighde, when she capsized on 29...

Coxswain Wickham of Rosslare Harbour

Date: March 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 367

JAMES WICKHAM, a former Rosslare Harbour coxswain, died on the 6th of December, 1953, at the age of 78.

Coxswain Wickham was a son of the late Coxswain Thomas Wickham of the Wexford life-boat. He himself succeeded his...

Category: Obituaries