THE LIFE-BOAT [DECEMBER, 1954 Life-boat Societies Abroad The Royal National Life-boat Institution agreed to a request made at the International Life-boat Conference that it should act as a distributing centre for information which may be of...
Category: Articles
FOUR BOATS AND CREWS SAVED IN deteriorating weather conditions on 8th November, 1971, the 70-foot steel life-boat Grace Paterson Ritchie, stationed at Kirkwall, Orkney, went to the aid of the Danish fishing vessel Clupea which had broken...
They must be practical, versatile and tough enough to take a pounding, yet still live in harmony with their communities. Architect Mark Roberts explains just some of the challenges of designing lifeboat stations
Category: Articles
WE have to acknowledge the receipt from time to time of various communications from Mr. BALLINGALL, of Melbourne, New South Wales, on the subjects of unsafe ship-building, the causes of shipwrecks, &c.
Category: Correspondence
The Royal National Life-Boat Institution agreed to a request made at the International Life-boat Con- ference that it should act as a distributing centre for information which may be of general interest to all life-boat societies. The...
Category: Articles
DURING the south-westerly gales of extraordinary violence, which burst over the south-west and south of England in the second week of July, and lasted for two or three days, eight Life-boats along the south coast were launched, and three of...
Two new motor life-boats have been sent to the Irish coast this year: Kil- more, County Wexford, and Howth, County Dublin.
Kilmore, County Wexford.
The new motor life-boat at Kilmore has replaced a pulling...
Category: Inaugurations
where she had 53 service launches at 16 stations and rescued a further 19 lives. She was one of the 19 lifeboats that went to Dunkirk in 1940.
Getting back to the sponsored marathon row, on the way down the River Thames,...
Category: Correspondence
BRONZE MEDAL SERVICE AT BALLYCOTTON JANUARY 30TH. - BALLYCOTTON, CO. CORK. In the early morning of the 27th of January, 1941, many mines came ashore in Ballycotton Bay, on the south coast of Ireland, and four of them exploded, doing...
WITH the view of diminishing the serious loss of life which takes place every year from fishing-vessels both on the coasts of the United Kingdom and in the North Sea, and other fishing grounds, the Com- mittee of the NATIONAL SEA FISHERIES...
Category: Articles