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Cover Picture

Date: Autumn 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 498

A Sea King helicopter from 202 squadron RAF Brawdy flies past the naming ceremony site at Tenby on September 29, 1986, in salute to the station's new 47ft Tyne class lifeboat, RFA Sir Galahad. A description of the proceedings can be... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Special Appeals

Date: Winter 1975

Volume: 43

Issue: 451

The Lord Mayor of the Metropolitan Bradford has launched an appeal for £100,000 for a fast afloat lifeboat, and by January £40,000 had already beenreached. When HM The Queen visited the city last November a half-scale model of an...

Category: Donations


Date: Autumn 1992

Volume: 52

Issue: 522

Prompt action at Margate saves a life Margate's lifeboat coxswain Peter Barker and crew member Clive Simpson saved a man's life without recourse to the station's Mersey or the D class inflatable.

On Saturday 3...


Date: Summer 1993

Volume: 53

Issue: 525

Survivors cling to upturned hull Selsey's Tyne class lifeboat City of London was called to the rescue of three Dutch sailors on 2 June 1993 when their 34ft yacht lost its ballast keel and capsized off Selsey during a fierce squall in the...

Can Anyone Help?

Date: Summer 2001

Volume: 58

Issue: 557

We are a voluntary organisation restoring the old Hartlepool lifeboat, The Princess Royal (Civil Service No.7), back to her original condition.

She is a 46ft Watson class, ON-828, and a gold medal-winning lifeboe There are... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Launching and Recovery—Part III: Tractor and Carriage Launch By Edward Wake-Walker Assistant Public Relations Officer (London)

Date: Spring 1981

Volume: 47

Issue: 476

SEAMEN, FISHERMEN and private boat owners all know that whenever they put to sea, together with an awareness of the state of the weather and of what is forecast, the state of the tide is of paramount importance to their...

Category: Articles

Fleetworks Ltd

Date: Autumn 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 446

We congratulate the RNLI on 150 years of service to seafarers The Approved Reconditioning Specialists for RNLI Propellers Established 1898 LIMITED FLEETS BRIDGE POOLE, DORSET ENGLAND BH17 TAB Telephone Poole 3031 (STD Code 020 13).

Category: Advertisement

Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

Date: November 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 285

To JOHN BENSLEY, on his retirement, after serving 3 additional years as Coxswain of the Gorleston No. 2 Life-boat when the No. 2 Station was temporarily re-opened, an in- crease of his Pension and a Certificate of Service. Bensley had...

Category: Awards

Henry Holman, of Plymouth

Date: October 1865

Volume: 05

Issue: 58

On the 14th January the schooner Henry Holman, of Plymouth, was observed in a dangerous position between the Clipera Rocks and Penrhyn Point, An- glesey, while the wind was blowing a very heavy gale from W.N.W. The Holyhead life-boat was at...


Date: Autumn 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 518

Fishermen plucked to safety from vessel in danger of capsize Coxswain John C. Murray of Buckle lifeboat station has been congratulated on the 'leadership, determination and skill' he displayed during a service to the fishing vessel...