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On the South East Coast.

Date: September 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 1

It is on the South East coast that the calls for the life-boats have been most frequent. Walmer has been launched 50 times and rescued 85 lives; Ramsgate 52 times and rescued 168 lives; Margate 60 times and rescued 150 lives. That is a total...

Category: Articles

Stingray and Sultan

Date: March 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 415

Rhyl, Flintshire. At 1.4 p.m. on ist September, 1965, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that two flares had been burned by the m.f.v. Stingray. There was a fresh north-westerly breeze with a rough sea. It was almost high water. The...

Menelaos, of Piraeus

Date: February 1931

Volume: 28

Issue: 305

Less than twelve hours later the Selsey Life-boat was again called out.

During the afternoon the Crew had stood by, as there was a good deal of traffic in the Channel, and the second call came at 10.20 P.M., when news was...


Date: December 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 324

At 9.5 P.M. on the 27th July a telephone message was received from the coastguard that flares of distress were being shown one mile N.E. of Rhyl Pier. A strong and increasing W.N.W. wind was blowing and the sea was rough. The pulling...

Book Corner

Date: October 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 441

more than its members generally realise, upon seamen and the ships they manned. Take away the common sailor and the craft in which, down the centuries, he has carried goods through tempest and fog, past innumerable natural and man-made...

Category: Articles

On your bike!

Date: Winter 2015

Volume: 61

Issue: 614 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2015

Millions of people use their bicycles each week in the UK and Republic of Ireland, many for commuting. But it's also a great way to challenge yourself, get fitter and even raise charity funds. Lifeboat volunteer Chris...

Category: Articles

"One More for the Life-Boat Crew."

Date: November 1885

Volume: 12

Issue: 138

The lads are afloat, they have launched the boat Where the moaning storm-birds flew, Oh, wife ! from the shores they cry,' One more,' With strong, steady hand and true! There are lives to save On the frothing wave— One more for the...

Category: Poetry


Date: August 1912

Volume: 21

Issue: 245

At 3.45 P.M. on j the 15th January information was j received that a schooner was ashore on the West Tongue Sands requiring assistance. The No. I Life-boat Eliza Harriet was launched, and on arriving at the Sands, found the schooner Beussite...

Calypso, of Wallasey, St. Trillo

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

Llandudno, Caernarvonshire; Rhyl, Flintshire; Beaumaris and Moelfre, Anglesey - At 4 p.m. on 6th May, 1968, the coastguard informed the Llandudno honorary secretary that a cabin cruiser had broken down one mile west of Great Ormes Head...

Prototypes of a New Fast Slipway Lifeboat

Date: Winter 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 471

WITH THE TIME APPROACHING when the RNLI's 46ft 9in and 47ft Watson class housed lifeboats will reach the end of their station lives, preparations have been going ahead over the past few years for their replacement by a new fast slipway...

Category: Articles