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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Sailor Boy

Date: July 1862

Volume: 05

Issue: 45

HE rose at dawn, and, flushed with hope, Shot o'er the seething harbour-bar, And reached the ship and caught the rope, And whistled to the morning star.

And while on deck he whistled loud, He heard a fierce mermaiden...

Category: Poetry

The Life-Boats of the United Kingdom

Date: November 1887

Volume: 13

Issue: 146

LXIX. TRAMORE.—The Alfred Trower, 34 feet by 8 feet, 10 oars.

IT may not be out of place to preface this article with a description of the old and interesting city of Waterford, which is in close proximity to Tramore, and...

Category: Articles

Whitby: After Naming the White Rose of Yorkshire the Duchess of Kent Puts to Sea and Coxswain Robert Allen By Her Side (Below) Takes a Trick at the Wheel (Left) The

Date: Summer 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 453

Whitby: After naming The White Rose of Yorkshire, the Duchess of Kent puts to sea and. Coxswain Robert Allen by her side, (below), takes a trick at the wheel. (Left) The White Rose of Yorkshire returns to harbour in company with Whitby... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Gallant Service Rendered By the Holy Island Lifeboat "Grace Darling" on the 13th February, 1896

Date: August 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 181

ON the morning of the 13th February all the Holy Island fishing-boats, with one exception, were out fishing, when the sea I rose rapidly, and at 9 o'clock the Rev. D. Bryson, Vicar of Holy Island and Honorary Secretary of the Holy Island...

Category: Articles

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: February 1906

Volume: 19

Issue: 219

THURSDAY, 12th October, 1905.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

" Also read those of the Building, Finance...

Category: Committee

The Last of the "Malvoisin."

Date: June 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 298

IN Lloyd's List for 4th May appeared the following announcement under " Malvoisin." " Boulogne, May 3.—The Malvoisin, a British ketch plying regularly between London and Calais, was wrecked at 5 a.m. to-day on the shore to...

Category: Articles

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Date: Autumn 1997

Volume: 56

Issue: 542

Carry the card that helps save lives at sea No fee in first calendar year* Save up to £60 when you transfer a balance from another card** £5 donation tO RNLI when your account is opened - contribute to RNLI every time you use your...

Category: Advertisement

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: May 1912

Volume: 21

Issue: 244

THURSDAY, 11th January, 1912.

Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., C.M.G., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and...

Category: Committee

The news that a relative of the Fish family is working on a biography of Coxswain Charles Fish, the famous Ramsgate lifeboat men

Date: Spring 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 444

the news that a relative of the Fish family is working on a biography of Coxswain Charles Fish, the famous Ramsgale lifeboat men who is associated with the wreck of the Indian Chief in 1881, comes a picture of David Fish, great grandson. He... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Notes of the Quarter

Date: Summer 1981

Volume: 47

Issue: 477

TO MARK the Royal Wedding in July telegram of congratulations was sent to HRH The Prince of Wales on behalf of the RNLI by its chairman, the Duke of Atholl: 'The Committee of Management, lifeboat crews, voluntary workers and staff of the...

Category: Articles