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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Wreck of the 'Pomona'

Date: July 1859

Volume: 04

Issue: 33

Os the morning of the 30th April, 1859, one of the most disastrous wrecks on record occurred on the Blackwater Bank, in the Irish Channel, by which melancholy event no less than 385 persons perished.

The American clipper...

Category: Services

Inaugural Ceremonies of Motor Life-Boats

Date: November 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 277

DURING the summer the Inaugural Ceremonies of new Motor Life-boats have been held at the Lizard, Appledore, Peterhead, Brixham, Eastbourne and Bembridge. Of these, the Lizard boat went to her station in 1920, the Peter- head and Eastbourne...

Category: Inaugurations

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: February 1915

Volume: 22

Issue: 255

Thursday, 8th October, 1914.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the minutes of the Building,...

Category: Committee

Other Irb Launches

Date: October 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 433

In addition to the services by IRBs which resulted in saving lives and which are recorded on pages 230, 238 and 244, the following launches on service were made during the months March, April and May, 1970, inclusive: Abersoch,...

Category: Services

The Chemical Tanker Multitank Ascania (1)

Date: Summer 1999

Volume: 57

Issue: 549

Environmental disaster prevented Bronze medal for Thurso Coxswain and awards to Thurso and Longhope crewsThurso lifeboat Coxswain William Farquhar has been awarded the RNLI's Bronze Medal for bravery for his part in an incident involving...

Slick rescue

Date: Autumn 2009

Volume: 61

Issue: 589

In the midst of an ecological disaster, St Mary’s and Penlee volunteers helped keep 35 people safe.

The crude oil supertanker Torrey Canyon left Kuwait on 19 February 1967 for Milford Haven in Pembrokeshire. Her crew were...

Category: Articles

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: October 1855

Volume: 02

Issue: 18

ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.

Founded in 1824.—Supported by Voluntary Subscriptions.


Category: Advertisement


Date: Spring 2019

Volume: 61

Issue: 627 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2019 (1)

I am a member of a writers’ group. Recently we were asked to write about a lighthouse. It brought me back to my childhood when I was always fascinated by the man in the lighthouse. Those times have passed...

Category: Articles

The Use of Oil to Reduce Breaking Seas

Date: March 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 286

IN 1914 supplies of oil were issued to eight Stations with a view to finding out the best way of using it to reduce breaking seas, and in 1920, as a result of these experiments, all Stations were supplied with canvas bags, pierced with holes...

Category: Articles

A Place In the Boat

Date: November 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 194


A mild wind, or a wild wind, a sky of blue or black, The boat must go and we must row to the rocky bar and back— To the rooky bar and back, boys, where the breakers boom and roar; But...

Category: Songs