ONCE many life-boatmen considered it an unlucky gift to swim too well but since those days things have changed. For well over a year now the R.N.L.I, has been evaluating the use of swimmers from life-boats, as well as the kind of special...
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LINCOLNSHIRE.—The Lincolnshire Shipwreck Society—the last remaining of the County Shipwreck Associations — having been brought into union with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, the latter has completely renovated the four life-boat...
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Margate, Kent.—At 3.26 on the after- noon of the 20th of November, 1952, the coastguard telephoned that two local fishermen reported seeing an American Shooting Star trainer air- craft crash about three miles north- east of Margate pier. At...
Soul searching There was extensive national and local TV, radio and press coverage in March of the painful unfolding story of a family lost to the sea at Scarborough. After an 11-year-old boy was swept off the front and his family attempted...
Category: Articles
JANUARY 7TH. - WALMER, KENT. At 12.45 P.M. a message was received from the Deal coastguard that a Steamer was ashore at Kingsdown. There was dense fog, a light S.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 12.55 P.M. the motor lifeboat...
St. Ives, Cornwall. At 3 p.m. on 34th June, 1965, a member of the inshore rescue boat crew waS informed that' an flntboard motor boat had .broken down <$E St. Ives Head and that another motor boat had gone to, her assistance. On...
Mrs Olwyn Lloyd, president of Conway ILB Station and an Honorary Life Governor of the RNLL. - View image in PDF
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AFTER twenty-seven years with the Institution it is brought home to me more than ever that the great majority of the people of these islands have a dash of the salt of the sea in their veins. For twelve years, as an in- spector on the coast,...
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A SPECIAL Grand Lodge of the English Free- : masons was held on the 3rd January at Free- ! masons' Hall, London, to receive and consider | the Report of the Special Committee appointed by Grand Lodge on the 6th September last, on the...
Category: Articles
THE Institution now has two ghost cabinets, to show the changes in the equipment of the Life-boat Service.
They are on the principle of the old "Peppers Ghost," and are worked by a penny in the slot. In each...
Category: Articles