About 1 A.M.
on the 9th March the schooner Vixen of Fowey was wrecked on the beach about two and a half miles to the north of Palling. She was laden with burnt ore and was bound from London to the Tyne. The crew consisted...
Memorial memories I have been commissioned to write a book on the Maritime Memorials and Mementoes of Great Britain which will be published by Patrick Stephens about the end of 1994.
To supplement the information which I...
Category: Correspondence
Award of the Silver Medal.
DURING the twelve days from the 21st January to the 1st February. 1937 the worst gales within living memory blew at Aberdeen, and the south break- water of the harbour was washed...
Category: Services
It was stated in our first Number that a part of the plan of this Journal would be to place on record deeds of gallantry in saving life from shipwreck, as an example and encouragement to others " to go and do likewise;" and perhaps...
ON the night of Sunday, the 31st Janu- ary, 1892, the four-masted steamer Eider, of Bremen, of 4,719 tons, the Norddeutscher Lloyd, stranded on the reef of rocks in the Isle of Wight, known as Atherfield Ledge. There was a thick fog, the...
Category: Articles
SHORTLY after nine at night on 21st December the Boulmer (Northumber- land) Motor Life-boat L.P. and St.
Helen was launched to the help of a vessel which the Coxswain had seen to be aground on a reef of rocks off Seaton...
Category: Services
The Viscount Burnham, G.C.M.G., C.H., T.D., and the Right Hon. the Viscount Grey of Fallodon, K.G., P.C.
BY the death of the Viscount Burnham, G.C.M.G., C.H., T.D., on 20th July last, and the death of the Right...
Category: Obituaries
AT 7.20 on the evening of 21st February, 1936, a large trawler was seen to have gone ashore at Brims Ness, at the entrance of the aith in which the life- boat house is situated. The motor life-boat herself, however, the Thomas McCunn, was...
Category: Services
THE Southend - on - Sea motor life- boat, Greater London (Civil Service No. 3), which had already been out in the great gale of 23rd Novem- ber, 1938, on almost continuous service for twelve hours, was again called out three days later, on...
Category: Services
EARLY NOVEMBER saw the first launch from Fairey's yard at East Cowes of the RNLI's prototype fast slipway boat City of London. It was the start of the exact, and exacting, programme of builder's trials through which every...
Category: Articles