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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Good Hope and Good Design

Date: August 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 193

WHITELINK BAY, ABERDEENSHIRE.— After a fine morning on the 5th January, a sudden and terrific squall was experienced, accompanied by a heavy shower of snow and sleet. Soon afterwards the coxswain of the Life-boat Three Brothers observed a...

The French Fishing Boat Claudie Giselle

Date: June 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 408

St. Helier, Jersey. At 6.34 p.m. on 18th February, 1964, Jersey radio informed the honorary secretary that a radio telephone message had been intercepted stating that the French fishing boat Claudie Giselle was in distress and that her crew...

A Launch

Date: December 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 418

Newhaven, Sussex - At 3.26 p.m.

on 26th June, 1966, a small launch was seen in difficulties two miles off the Martello tower at Seaford. There was a strong south westerly wind with a moderate sea. It was two hours before...

The Long In the Shorts

Date: Autumn 1990

Volume: 52

Issue: 514

In September John Cook, honorary secretary of Claygate branch, and Dave Avey from Brighton, undertook a long, 72-mile sponsored walk around the island of Malta.

Sponsored by Monarch Airlines the two friends raised... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Cuba of Whitby

Date: January 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 35

On the night of the 25th October, at 9 P.M., the brig Cuba, of Whitby, was driven ashore in a heavy gale off Winterton.

The life-boat was got ready soon after mid- night, but the night being dark, and the sea very heavy,...

Friends of the RNLI

Date: Spring 2019

Volume: 61

Issue: 627 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2019 (1)

Hungry for more?
Want to know even more about lifeboats, lifeboat history, lifeboat stations and sea rescue? Then look no further than Lifeboats Past & Present, the magazine published three times a year by the Lifeboat...

Category: Articles


Date: Spring 1992

Volume: 52

Issue: 520

With deep regret It is with deep regret that the Institution reports the death on 23 April 1992 of Cdr Ralph Swann CBE, a life vice president and former Chairman of the RNLI, at the age of 87.

Cdr Swann first joined the...

Category: Obituaries


Date: Winter 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 447


Lloyd, now in her ninetieth year—just 60 years younger than the RNLI—has been concerned with men of the sea. It seems fitting, therefore, that she and her husband, Mr R. M. Lloyd, celebrated...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats. Reported to the May, June and July Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: September 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 323

Reported to the May, June and July Meetings of the Committee of Management.

May Meeting.

Scarborough, Yorkshire. — At 2.15 P.M. on the 1st April the local motor fishing coble B. S. Colling put out to...

Category: Services


Date: Winter 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 499

Fishing boat sinks AT 1235 on Thursday August 21, 1986, Oban Coastguard informed Mr A.

McLellan, honorary secretary of Mallaig lifeboat station, that a fishing vesselhad struck rocks on the south coast of Rhum and required...