Sir William Hillary, founder of the RNLI, believed that sea rescue was ‘a cause which extends from the palace to the cottage ... and which addresses itself with equal force to all the best feelings of every class in the state.’ So began our... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Environmental disaster prevented Bronze medal for Thurso Coxswain and awards to Thurso and Longhope crewsThurso lifeboat Coxswain William Farquhar has been awarded the RNLI's Bronze Medal for bravery for his part in an incident involving...
Ix the issue of The Life-boat for last September an article was published on the pension fund which was formed to provide for the forty-two dependants of the nine life-boatmen who lost their lives when the Caister No. 2 life-boat was wrecked...
Category: Articles
The requisite qualities of a life-boatman's life-belt are— 1. Sufficient extra buoyancy to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, and to enable him to support another person besides...
Category: Articles
NOVEMBER 17TH. - CLACTON - ON - SEA, ESSEX. Early in the evening the coastguard reported that red flares had been seen from a sailing barge aground in Spitway, and at 7.32 P.M. the motor life-boat Edward Z.
Dresden was...
The Lifeboats MasterCard is issued and administered by The Royal Bank of Scotland pk. PO Box 6050. Southend-an-Sea, SS99 1WL Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Over 18s only. Income £10,000 pa. Cash Advances:...
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The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh meet members of the Committee of Management during the garden party for the RNLI at Buckingham Palace, July 16. Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur Hezlel and Lady Hezlet are introduced to Her Majesty by Commander F.... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
branch and guild members have met the challenge with their usual enthusiasm, sheer hard work—and success.
Perhaps the most important statistic of all is the number of lives rescued in the past ten years: almost 12,500. That...
Category: Articles
THANKS to the energy of the BOARD or TRADE we are enabled to draw the attention of our readers several months earlier than we had anticipated, to the facts and figures contained in the Blue Book compiled from the Wreck Register for the year...
Category: Articles
THE Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Mr. Harold Watkinson, has awarded the shield for the best wreck service in 1957 to the Sandown arid Ventnor life-saving apparatus companies of H.M. Coastguard for the rescue of the crew of the...
Category: Awards