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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Accounts of Services by Life-boats

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

Accounts of Services by Life-boats.

Category: Services

Lizzie, of London

Date: February 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 95

On the 19th Sept. at 2 A.M. the Palmerston was launched, on information reaching this station of a wreck on the Brierdean Kocfcs; and m a heavy sea and very dark night the rescue of the 12 persons on board the wrecked vessel, the screw-...

The Italian Vessel S.S. Concordia (1)

Date: November 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 277

DURING the south-westerly gales of extraordinary violence, which burst over the south-west and south of England in the second week of July, and lasted for two or three days, eight Life-boats along the south coast were launched, and three of...

Duke of Normandy

Date: September 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 417

St. Helier, Jersey-At io.2ia.m. on 8th March, 1966, the duty harbour officer received a Mayday message via Jersey radio from the tug Duke of Normandy saying that she had struck a rock near Les Vascelius on the Les Minquiers reef. The...

The S.S. Benwyvis, the S.S. Guecho and the German Tug Wotan

Date: September 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 362

Dover, Kent.—At 7.37 oil the night of the 21st of March, 1952, the Sandgate coastguard telephoned that two ships had been in collision in a fog four miles south-east of Dover. They were the S.S. Benwyvis, of Leith, and the...

The Storeyard's Children's Party

Date: September 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 303

THE sixth Christmas Party, given by the staff of the Storeyard at Poplar, with the help of the staff at Head- quarters, to poor children of Poplar, took place on 4th January at the Bromley Public Hall. There were 170 children present....

Category: Articles

The Joseph Rothwell Sykes and Hilda M on the Day of Her Naming Ceremony

Date: Autumn 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 494

The Joseph Rothwell Sykes and Hilda M on the Day of Her Naming Ceremony. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The S.S. Vistula

Date: April 1940

Volume: 31

Issue: 341


Aith, Shetlands. — 9th October, 1939. Information was received through the coastguard at 1.45 P.M.

that the s.s. Vistula, of Gothenburg, Sweden, had been...

The Danish Steamers Bothal and Viking

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940


The Danish steamers Bothal and Viking had been sunk by torpedo, with the loss of thirty lives. and the survivors were left adrift on rafts. Two of these rafts were seen by an RAF machine...

The S.S Malta

Date: November 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 194

While a gale was blowing from the 8.E., with a cross sea, intense darkness and rain on the 9th March, the s.s.

Malta, of North Shields, went aground on the Boulmer South Rocks. She was on a voyage from Bergen to Shields in...