On the 2nd February, in answer to the usual signals of distress, the same Life- boat proceeded in tow of the Aid, at about 9 P.M. The night was very dark and stormy, with a fresh breeze at S.E., and showers of sleet. The Aid towed the...
THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS submitted to the Institution's governors at the Royal Festival Hall in London on May 15 showed that Shoreline had contributed £934,400 to the RNLI's funds in 1983, an increase of more than £165,000. At...
Category: Articles
list of New Branches.
The following new Branches have been formed since the list published in Life Lifeboat, for March 1926.
Branch. Honorary...
Category: Branches
THE Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of this excellent Society was held at the 22nd of May last, Captain the Hon the unavoidable absence of His Grace the DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, President of the Society. Amongst those present on the occasion were...
Category: Meetings
TWO EXCLUSIVE SPRING OFFERS-ONLY FROM j:iifford. lames Protection and Comfort«, in Town & Country j For Men and Women Probably the most ingenious raincoat ever designed.
IX you remcmlxT how practical and compact...
Category: Advertisement
The following article by Alex Dickson appeared in the Scottish Daily Mail in December. It is reproduced here by courtesy of the Scottish Daily Mail.
Beside every life-boat there hangs an extra set of bright yellow oilskins....
Category: Articles
THE Institution has awarded its silver medal to Coxswain Thomas Sinclair, of Aberdeen, and its bronze medal or thanks on vellum to each member of the crew, for the rescue on 26th January of the crew of the steamer Fairy, of King's Lynn...
Category: Medals
CAISTER.—On the 9th. November, at about 9.45 A.M., the barque Augia, of Guernsey, with her main top-gallant yard hoisted and her starboard bow stove in, was seen in the Cockle Gat, she having been in collision with a sloop off Orfordness.<...
An exhibition in the Arndale Centre, Litton, during October raised £1,626. An Atlantic 21 ILB and an A run model were just two of the exhibits. Mr and Mrs W. J.
Mobbs, the inspiration behind these annual exhibitions,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The Eastbourne life-boat Beryl Tollemache took out light fire-fighting gear when the oil tanker SHakund was beached on fire off Eastbourne in October, 1968.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs