A LIFEBOAT DISASTER may have been narrowly averted last December. Soon after the Padstow lifeboat had launched late in the evening of December 7, she was struck by three exceptionally heavy seas. A considerable weight of water dropped almost...
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Coxswain Bert Baker, of Bembridge, hands over to his successor, Geoffrey Wade, the youngest coxswain in the Service. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
On the night of the 26th-27th November, 1954, the South Goodwin lightvessel broke adrift in a gale and at daylight was found to be lying on her beam ends. The Dover, Ramsgate and Walmer life-boats were all launch- ed, but the sole survivor...
In the Spring issue of The Lifeboat you showed the Simmons family of Sheringham crewing the inshore lifeboat. In 1974 rny sons David and Martin crewed the Port Isaac inshore lifeboat with me and I believe that this was the first ILB family... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Of those 3,000 launches 1,000, or a third, have been to the help of aeroplanes which had come down in the sea..
Category: Articles
Nov. 30TH. - BARRA ISLAND HEBRIDES. At 11.10 A.M. a telegram was received from the Stornoway coastguard that a vessel was ashore on Calavay Island, near Eriskay. A southerly wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 11.35...
Patrol vessel holed IN EASTERLY GALES early on Thursday January 31, 1980, fishery patrol vessel Switha, bound for Leith, ran aground on the rocks near Herwit Buoy in the Firth of Forth, a mile south east of Inchkeith Island. She was holed...
(Right) The carriage is positioned and tilted to receive the boat's stern . . ,. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The fishing fleet was out in bad weather, with strong squalls from the north, snow showers and a rough sea, and at 11.30 in the morning, as four boats had not returned, it was decided to...
At 8.25 P.M. on the 24th April a request was made that the motor Life-boat Albert Edward should be sent out to pick up the Government seaplane No. 79, and also a Government motor launch which had gone to her assistance, but had broken down....